我需要使用 R 包在谷歌地图中显示我的形状文件(.shp)。我正在使用 maptools 包来读取形状文件。使用函数 ==> readShapePoly() 然后我将使用 plot() 来显示。现在它在 R 静态窗口中绘制 shapefile 内容,我无法放大/缩小,而且我需要在谷歌中显示动态地图。是否有任何包可用于在谷歌地图上绘制我的形状文件的多边形?


1 回答 1

        Solution to the following error:
        While Installing rgdal:
        this is the error: ./proj_conf_test: error while loading shared libraries: libgdal.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory checking PROJ.4 Version 4.7 or earlier... yes 

        This error came because of the conflict between 32bit/64bit of our linux machine.
        when you install rgdal package 
        we need to install
(refer : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15248815/rgdal-package-installation)
        1)gdal tar  to overcome the error....> gdal-config not found
        2)proj4 tar to overcome the error.....> proj_api.h not found
    (gdal and proj4 is not a R package u need to install in such a way that
    1)untar  folder
    4)make install)

        3)libgdal.so.1 or libproj.so.x not found---------->
        then the problem is
        when u install gdal and proj4 packages your files will go to the path-->/usr/local/lib
        now if your machine is a 64bit linux machine..then check manually where your file is...if it is in the path-->/usr/local/lib then copy those files(libgdal.so.1,libproj.so.1 ) to /usr/lib64....now it will work...
于 2013-11-09T14:27:24.910 回答