I am writing an algorithm to calculate piano fingering. I want to add this number (1-5) for each note to a musicXML sheet and I did that by using the fingering property. Yet, the text is placed on the notes themselves in musescore instead of below or next to them. Do I need to use a different property?


3 回答 3


<fingering> 元素确实是正确的使用元素。您可以尝试使用不同的 MusicXML 阅读器,例如 Finale NotePad 或http://www.musicxml.com/software上列出的许多其他程序之一,看看是否能获得更好的结果。MusicXML 允许通过placement、relative-x 和relative-y 属性进行定位提示,以及通过default-x 和default-y 属性进行绝对定位。然而,这些在不同 MusicXML 阅读器中的技术元素并没有得到很好的支持。

于 2013-12-20T07:54:59.223 回答

我想通了,我没有做任何补偿。Musescore 手柄非常好。

于 2013-12-20T08:10:08.983 回答

I recently had the same issue with fingering annotations appearing on top of notes in MuseScore. I found a MuseScore plugin called 'Fingering Positioner' (download here) that was able to fix this pretty nicely.

于 2018-02-24T21:58:17.623 回答