When I load any egg file as a model in Panda3D, the background's colour remains white. The colours of the texture/background doesn't appear even on using lights. Why does this happen? Also, from where can I find egg files to use as models/actors in Panda3D ? I've tried converting obj file to egg file and exporting 3ds/max files as obj too.
1106 次
1 回答
尝试使用文本编辑器打开 .egg 文件(真的,你可以)并查看条目(如果它们存在的话)。确保纹理文件的指定路径是相对于模型文件位置的路径,或者是相对于 Panda3D 模型路径上的不同位置的路径。
至于你的另一个问题,在 Panda3D 网站的某个不起眼的角落有一堆低质量的艺术资源用作占位符: https ://www.panda3d.org/download/noversion/art-gallery.zip
于 2013-11-09T14:28:31.840 回答