我之前发布了一个关于在 C 中使用 fork() 和管道的问题 。我稍微改变了设计,让它读取一个常规的 txt 文件并对文件中的单词进行排序。到目前为止,这是我想出的:
for (i = 0; i < numberOfProcesses; ++i) {
// Create the pipe
if (pipe(fd[i]) < 0) {
perror("pipe error");
// fork the child
pids[i] = fork();
if (pids[i] < 0) {
perror("fork error");
} else if (pids[i] > 0) {
// Close reading end in parent
} else {
// Close writing end in the child
int k = 0;
char word[30];
// Read the word from the pipe
read(fd[i][0], word, sizeof(word));
printf("[%s]", word); <---- **This is for debugging purpose**
// TODO: Sort the lists
// Open the file, and feed the words to the processes
file_to_read = fopen(fileName, "rd");
char read_word[30];
child = 0;
while( !feof(file_to_read) ){
// Read each word and send it to the child
fscanf(file_to_read," %s",read_word);
write(fd[child][1], read_word, strlen(read_word));
if(child >= numberOfProcesses){
child = 0;