我希望能够检测 jpg 图像文件的 3-4 种主要颜色。
- 红、黑、白
- 白色、绿色、粉色
- 蓝色,黄色,黑色
public static int RoundColorToGroup(int i)
int r = ((int)Math.Round(i / 10.0)) * 10;
if (r > 255)
r = 255;
return r;
public void AverageColorTest_WebExample()
Bitmap bm = new Bitmap("C:\\Users\\XXXX\\Desktop\\example1.jpg");
int width = bm.Width;
int height = bm.Height;
int red = 0;
int green = 0;
int blue = 0;
int minDiversion = 15; // drop pixels that do not differ by at least minDiversion between color values (white, gray or black)
int dropped = 0; // keep track of dropped pixels
int bppModifier = bm.PixelFormat == System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb ? 3 : 4; // cutting corners, will fail on anything else but 32 and 24 bit images
BitmapData srcData = bm.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bm.Width, bm.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bm.PixelFormat);
int stride = srcData.Stride;
IntPtr Scan0 = srcData.Scan0;
Dictionary<string, Int64> dicColors = new Dictionary<string, long>(); // color, pixelcount i.e ('#FFFFFF',100);
byte* p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
int idx = (y * stride) + x * bppModifier;
red = p[idx + 2];
green = p[idx + 1];
blue = p[idx];
red = RoundColorToGroup(red);
green = RoundColorToGroup(green);
blue = RoundColorToGroup(blue);
if (Math.Abs(red - green) > minDiversion || Math.Abs(red - blue) > minDiversion || Math.Abs(green - blue) > minDiversion)
string htmlColorGroup = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue));
if (dicColors.ContainsKey(htmlColorGroup))
dicColors.Add(htmlColorGroup, 1);
dicColors = dicColors.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);
Console.WriteLine(dicColors.ElementAt(0).Key); // should ouput main color 1
Console.WriteLine(dicColors.ElementAt(1).Key); // should ouput main color 2
Console.WriteLine(dicColors.ElementAt(2).Key); // should ouput main color 3
- example1.jpg 的输出是 (#FF6E8C, #FF6482, #FA6E8C) - 3 种红色/粉色阴影 - 应该是红色、黑色和白色
- example2.jpg 的输出是 (#F0C8C8,#C8DC6E,#E6C8C8) - 2 种粉色和绿色 - 应该是浅粉色、绿色、白色
- example3.jpg 的输出是 (#FFDC50,#640A28,#8C1E3C) - 3 种蓝色 - 应该是蓝色、黄色、黑色
理想情况下需要忽略背景颜色 (#FFFFFF) 和黑色轮廓/阴影。