In xCode 5 we have the ability to use the xcassets file to catalogue our app images. It appears that there is not a place for iTunesArtwork and iTunesArtwork2x files. Does this mean that these files are no longer needed in xCode 5? If they are needed, should we list them in the plist file? I had removed the icons list in the plist file and was hoping not to have to add it back again.


3 回答 3


前段时间,您应该在将应用程序提交到 AppStore 时,在捆绑包中包含大格式 512x512 和 1024x1024 的图标,但是在 Xcode 和 iTunesConnect 进行了一些更改后,这不再需要,您将这两个文件直接上传到 iTunes Connect并且不再需要在您的捆绑包中。

于 2013-11-22T21:57:32.907 回答

根据 Apple 官方文档,iTunesArtwork 文件仍在 AdHoc(和企业)分发中使用:


(正如 Ponchotg 所说)对于 appstore 构建来说是不必要的。

于 2014-03-11T12:02:42.130 回答

您的 xcode 项目 > 资源 > 应用程序图标

Rename following images
1. iTunesArtwork.png to iTunesArtwork 
2. iTunesArtwork@2x.png to iTunesArtwork@2x
于 2015-10-30T14:32:15.987 回答