strSQL = "Update tTbl_LoginPermissions SET LoginName = '" & StrUserName & "', PWD = '" & StrPWD & "', fldPWDDate = '" & Now() & "'" & _
"WHERE intLoginPermUserID = " & MyMSIDColumn0
一旦我得到错误,我想实际使用这个 where 子句:
'WHERE intLoginPermUserID IN (SELECT intCPIIUserID From vw_ADMIN_Frm_LoginBuilder)
Dim con As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Dim strSQL As String
Const cSQLConn = "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=dbswd0027;UID=Mickey01;PWD=Mouse02;DATABASE=Regulatory;"
Dim StrUserName As String, StrPWD As String
'passing variables
StrUserName = FindUserName()
StrPWD = EncryptKey(Me.TxtConPWD)
'Declaring the SQL expression to be executed by the server
strSQL = "Update tTbl_LoginPermissions SET LoginName = '" & StrUserName & "', PWD = '" & StrPWD & "', fldPWDDate = '" & Now() & "#" & _
"WHERE intLoginPermUserID = " & MyMSIDColumn0
'WHERE intLoginPermUserID = ANY (SELECT intCPIIUserID From vw_ADMIN_Frm_LoginBuilder)
Debug.Print strSQL
'connect to SQL Server
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
With con
.ConnectionString = cSQLConn
End With
'write back
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
With cmd
.ActiveConnection = con
.CommandText = strSQL
.CommandType = adCmdText
Debug.Print strSQL
End With
'close connections
Set cmd = Nothing
Set con = Nothing
MsgBox "You password has been set", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "New Password"
'/Declaring the SQL expression to be executed by the server
strSQL = "Update dbo_tTbl_LoginPermissions " _
& "SET LoginName = '" & StrUserName & "' " _
& "SET PWD = '" & StrPWD & "' " _
& "SET fldPWDDate = '" & Now() & "' " _
& "WHERE intLoginPermUserID = 3;"