下面的代码返回一个数组。我想在电子表格中使用它作为 excel 公式来返回数组。但是,当我这样做时,它只会将第一个值返回到单元格。无论如何要返回与数组大小相同的数组吗?
Function LoadNumbers(Low As Long, High As Long) As Long()
' Returns an array of Longs, containing
' the numbers from Low to High. The
' number of elements in the returned
' array will vary depending on the
' values of Low and High.
' Declare ResultArray as a dynamic array
' to be resized based on the values of
' Low and High.
Dim ResultArray() As Long
Dim Ndx As Long
Dim Val As Long
' Ensure Low <= High
If Low > High Then
Exit Function
End If
' Resize the array
ReDim ResultArray(1 To (High - Low + 1))
' Fill the array with values.
Val = Low
For Ndx = LBound(ResultArray) To UBound(ResultArray)
ResultArray(Ndx) = Val
Val = Val + 1
Next Ndx
' Return the array.
LoadNumbers = ResultArray()
End Function