我正在尝试编写一个程序来记录和播放来自 xbox kinect 的颜色和深度流,以简化测试图像处理程序。目前我已经完成了大部分工作并且颜色流工作正常。但是,我在深度流方面遇到了麻烦。
目前,深度流正在倒置播放,并且仅以黑白方式播放。关于为什么会出现这种情况,我有 3 个想法:1)从 11 位转换为 8 位 2)Motion JPEG 2000 格式(以前从未使用过) 3)颜色图错误
%Code to record kinect colour and sensor data
%using code supplied on http://www.mathworks.co.uk/help/imaq/examples/using-the- kinect-r-for-windows-r-from-image-acquisition-toolbox-tm.html
%and http://www.mathworks.co.uk/help/imaq/examples/logging-data-to-disk.html
dbstop if error
imaqreset %deletes any image acquisition objects that exsist in memory and uploads all adaptors loaded by the toolbox. As a result, image acquisition hardware is reset
%setting up video streams
disp('Setting up video streams');
%Call up dicertory containing utility functions
utilpath = fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'imaq', 'imaqdemos', 'html', 'KinectForWindows');
%Create the videoinput objects for the colour and depth streams
colourVid = videoinput('kinect', 1, 'RGB_640x480');
depthVid = videoinput('kinect', 2, 'Depth_640x480');
%set backlight compensation with centre priority
%set(colourVid, 'BacklightCompensation', 'CentrePriority');
%Set camera angle to 0
%set(colourVid, 'CameraElevationAngle', 0);
disp('Video stream set-up complete');
%setting up record
% set the data streams to logging mode and to disk
set(colourVid, 'LoggingMode', 'Disk&Memory');
set(depthVid, 'LoggingMode', 'Disk&Memory');
%Set a video timeout property limit to 50 seconds from
set(colourVid, 'Timeout',50);
set(depthVid, 'Timeout',50);
%Creat a VideoReader object
colourLogfile = VideoWriter('colourTrial5.mj2', 'Motion JPEG 2000');
depthLogfile = VideoWriter('depthTrial5.mj2', 'Motion JPEG 2000');
%configure the video input object to use the VideoWriter object
colourVid.DiskLogger = colourLogfile;
depthVid.DiskLogger = depthLogfile;
%set the triggering mode to 'manual'
triggerconfig([colourVid depthVid], 'manual');
%set the FramePerTrigger property of the VIDEOINPUT objects to 100 to
%acquire 100 frames per trigger.
set([colourVid depthVid], 'FramesPerTrigger', 200);
disp('Video record set-up complete');
%Initiating the aquisition
disp('Starting Steam');
%Start the colour and depth device. This begins acquisition, but does not
%start logging of acquired data
start([colourVid depthVid]);
pause(20); %allow time for both streams to start
%Trigger the devices to start logging of data.
trigger([colourVid depthVid]);
%Retrieve the acquired data
[colourFrameData, colourTimeData, colourMetaData] = getdata(colourVid);
[depthFrameData, depthTimeData, depthMetaData] = getdata(depthVid);
stop([colourVid depthVid])
disp('Recording Complete')
%Play back recordings
disp('Construct playback objects')
colourPlayback = VideoReader('colourTrial5.mj2');
depthPlayback = VideoReader('depthTrial5.mj2');
%Set colour(c) playback parameters
cFrames = colourPlayback.NumberOfFrames;
cHeight = colourPlayback.Height;
cWidth = colourPlayback.Width;
%Preallocate movie structure
colourMov(1:cFrames)=struct('cdata', zeros(cHeight,cWidth,3,'uint8'),'colormap',[]);
disp('Reading colour frames one by one')
%read one frame at a time
for k = 1:cFrames
disp('Sizing figure for colour playback')
%Size a figure based on the video's width and height
set(hf1,'position',[150 150 cWidth cHeight])
disp('Playing Colour recording')
%play back the movie once at the video's frame rate
%Set depth(d) playback parameters
dFrames = depthPlayback.NumberOfFrames;
dHeight = depthPlayback.Height;
dWidth = depthPlayback.Width;
%Preallocate movie structure
depthMov(1:dFrames)=struct('cdata', zeros(dHeight,dWidth,3,'uint8'),'colormap',gray(256));
disp('Reading depth frames one by one')
%read one frame at a time
for k = 1:dFrames
%depthMov(k)=imrotate(depthMov(k),180); %tried this to no effect
disp('Sizing figure for depth playback')
%Size a figure based on the video's width and height
set(hf2,'position',[150 150 dWidth dHeight])
disp('Playing Depth recording')
%play back the movie once at the video's frame rate
%clear videos from workspace
delete([colourVid depthVid])
clear [colourVid depthVid]