I want to use a trait in a class, only if a condition is satisfied. For example:

trait T
class A
    if ($condition) {
        use T;

I know I can't use if directly in class. So, I'm looking for a way to use traits conditionally similar to the above. Is it possible?


4 回答 4


You can create a class with use T which extends the class without use T. And then in your code where you use the class do an if and instantiate the one or the other class.


trait T {

class A {

class B extends A {
    use T;

// In an other part of code
$obj = null;

if($condition) {
    $obj = new B();
} else {
    $obj = new A();

/* EOF */
于 2013-11-05T06:56:40.567 回答

You can outsource your conditional code (like debug-functions) in a trait and do something like that.

//your Trait

    trait Dbg{
        function dbg(mssg){
    trait Dbg{
        function dbg(mssg){

//your class
class Something{
  use Dbg;
于 2017-03-24T12:12:39.747 回答

As long as your condition can be evaluated at the class root, you can do the following:

if (<condition here>) {
    class BaseFoo
        use FooTrait;
} else {
    class BaseFoo {

class Foo extends BaseFoo
    // common properties
于 2020-11-02T01:08:31.013 回答
trait T {
function getType() { 
     if($condition){ /*somthing*/ 
           throw new Exception('some thing.') 
        } }
function getDescription() { /*2*/ }
class A {
use T;
/* ... */
于 2013-11-05T07:04:45.767 回答