public Patient(final String ptNo, final String ptName,
final String procDate, final int procType, final String injury,
final String drName) throws IOException
Patient.ptNo = getPtNo();
Patient.ptName = getPtName();
Patient.procDate = getProcDate();
Patient.procType = getProcType();
Patient.injury = getPtNotes();
Patient.drName = getDrName();
public static Patient getNewPt(String ptNo, String ptName,
String procDate, int procType, String
injury, String drName) throws IOException
Patient newPt = new Patient (ptNo,
ptName, procDate, procType, injury, drName);
return newPt;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
Patient.getNewPt(null, null, null, 0, null, null);
// creating an array of 5 patients
Patient patients[] = new Patient[5];
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
patients[i] = Patient.getNewPt(null, null, null, i, null, null);
public static String getOption() throws IOException
System.out.println("bla bla");
option = stdin.readLine();
switch (option)
case ("N"):
Patient newPt = new Patient (ptNo,
ptName, procDate, procType, injury, drName);
break;// and so on
我问了另一个问题For loop 接受了一个额外的数组成员,然后意识到一些我认为可能对像我这样的新手很有帮助的问答。