fun = @(img) susanFun(img);
map = nlfilter(img,maskSz,fun);
同样在 susan 角点检测器中,我们只有 2 个阈值..“t 和 g”.. 但这里我们有“thGeo,thGeo1,thGeo2,thT,thT1”
function [ map r c ] = susanCorner( img )
%SUSAN Corner detection using SUSAN method.
% [R C] = SUSAN(IMG) Rows and columns of corner points are returned.
maskSz = [7 7];
fun = @(img) susanFun(img);
map = nlfilter(img,maskSz,fun);
[r c] = find(map);
function res = susanFun(img)
% SUSANFUN Determine if the center of the image patch IMG
% is corner(res = 1) or not(res = 0)
mask = [...
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0];
% uses 2 thresholds to distinguish corners from edges
thGeo = (nnz(mask)-1)*.2;
thGeo1 = (nnz(mask)-1)*.4;
thGeo2 = (nnz(mask)-1)*.4;
thT = .07;
thT1 = .04;
sz = size(img,1);
usan = ones(sz)*img(round(sz/2),round(sz/2));
similar = (abs(usan-img)<thT);
similar = similar.*mask;
res = sum(similar(:));
if res < thGeo
dark = nnz((img-usan<-thT1).*mask);
bright = nnz((img-usan>thT1).*mask);
res = min(dark,bright)<thGeo1 && max(dark,bright)>thGeo2;
res = 0;