I've been searching around, but I'm not quite sure how to word this. I have a list of lists, and each inner list is a certain size, k. I want to generate a list of combinations that have the size k+1. So for instance, if I start with:


I want to generate the list:


Where the lists are arbitrarily long. I'm thinking I'll need to use the combinations function from the itertools library, and possibly sets with unions. I'm just kind of stuck as to how to go about this efficiently.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Edit: I need to clarify. I'm only trying to generate the lists of length k+1 (3 in this case) where two of the original lists are combined. So if they were sets, I want only the resulting sets of length k+1 when we take the union of two sets.


3 回答 3



import itertools
L = [[1,2],[1,3],[3,4]]
print list(itertools.combinations(list(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(L))), len(L[0])+1))


于 2013-11-03T03:21:57.533 回答

如果您不关心输出的顺序,@DSM 的答案是正确的。但是,如果您有类似的输入[[3,2],[1,3],[7,2]]并且您需要保留输入的顺序,则需要更加复杂,因为在您的元素输入 a 的第二秒时顺序就会消失set


from itertools import combinations, chain
from collections import OrderedDict
lol = [[3,2],[1,3],[7,2]]
k = len(lol[0])
pair_sets = [list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(chain.from_iterable(x))) for x in combinations(li,2)]
keep = [x for x in pair_sets if len(x) == k+1]
[[3, 2, 1], [3, 2, 7]]
于 2013-11-03T03:52:00.113 回答


>>> from itertools import combinations
>>> lol = [[1,2],[1,3],[3,4]]
>>> k = len(lol[0])
>>> pair_sets = (set().union(*x) for x in combinations(lol,2))
>>> keep = [sorted(x) for x in pair_sets if len(x) == k+1]
>>> keep
[[1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4]]



>>> pair_sets = list(set().union(*x) for x in combinations(lol,2))
[set([1, 2, 3]), set([1, 2, 3, 4]), set([1, 3, 4])]

然后我们保留那些有 length 的k+1,对它们进行排序以得到很好的衡量。

于 2013-11-03T03:32:04.347 回答