TITLE   random practice (rand.asm)
; Penpa Gyaltsen,csc310

INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
  a dword 1
  b dword 10
  cuntx dword 100 dup(0)
  space byte " ",0
  delta dword ?
main PROC
  call randomize
  mov eax, 0
  mov esi, 0

  mov eax, b
  sub eax, a
  inc eax
  mov delta, eax

  mov ecx, delta
  mov esi, offset cuntx
  mov edx, offset space
  mov ecx, lengthof cuntx
  mov eax,delta
  call randomrange
  inc eax

  call writedec
  call writestring

  mov esi,eax
  inc cuntx[esi]
  mov eax,cuntx[esi]
  call writedec
  call crlf
  loop L1;
main ENDP
END main

我需要从 -10 到 10 计算每个数字。我该怎么做?


1 回答 1


Irvine'sRandomRange在 0..EAX 范围内创建数字。获得范围 -10..10 是一个解释问题:

0 表示 -10
1 表示 -9
2 表示 -8
10 表示 0
18 表示 8
19 表示 9
20 表示 10

所以让我们RandomRange得到范围 0..20 并通过减去 10 重新解释结果:

INCLUDE Irvine32.inc

    cuntx dword 100 dup(0)          ; http://www.parkedlikeacunt.com/?p=901
    space byte "  ",0               ; String with spaces and terminating null for `WriteString`
    delta dword 21                  ; Range 0..20, one more needed for `RandomRange`

main PROC
    call Randomize                  ; Initialize randomizer

    lea edx, space                  ; Space for `WriteString`
    mov ecx, LENGTHOF cuntx
    mov eax,delta                   ; Range 0..20
    call RandomRange                ; Get a number in the range
    mov esi, eax

    call WriteDec                   ; Write the number
    call WriteString                ; Space
    sub eax, 10                     ; Subtract 10 from EAX to get the range -10..10
    call WriteInt                   ; Write the reinterpreted number
    call WriteString                ; Space

    inc cuntx[esi * 4]              ; This was wrong in the OP
    mov eax, cuntx[esi * 4]
    call WriteDec                   ; Write the current count of the number
    call Crlf                       ; New line

    loop L1
main ENDP
END main

OP 的程序指示了一个必须计算的变量范围:

INCLUDE Irvine32.inc

    a DWORD -10                     ; Lower limit
    b DWORD 10                      ; Upper limit
    cuntx dword 100 dup(0)          ; http://www.parkedlikeacunt.com/?p=901
    space byte "  ",0               ; String with spaces and terminating null for `WriteString`
    delta dword 0                   ; Range 0..20, one more needed for `RandomRange`

main PROC
    call Randomize                  ; Initialize randomizer

    ; Calculate `delta` (condition: a < b)
    mov eax, a
    xor eax, edx
    sub eax, edx
    mov ebx, eax                    ; EBX = abs(a)
    mov eax, b                      ; EAX = b
    add eax, ebx                    ; abs(a) + b = upper limit of the range
    inc eax                         ; Plus one for `RandomRange`
    mov delta, eax

    lea edx, space                  ; Space for `WriteString`
    mov ecx, LENGTHOF cuntx
    mov eax,delta                   ; Range 0..20
    call RandomRange                ; Get a number in the range
    mov esi, eax

    call WriteDec                   ; Write the number
    call WriteString                ; Space
    add eax, a                      ; Add lower limit to EAX to get the range a..b
    call WriteInt                   ; Write the reinterpreted number
    call WriteString                ; Space

    inc cuntx[esi * 4]              ; This was wrong in the OP
    mov eax, cuntx[esi * 4]
    call WriteDec                   ; Write the current count of the number
    call Crlf                       ; New line

    loop L1
main ENDP
END main
于 2015-12-29T10:33:47.637 回答