import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
public class BottleCapPrize
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
double averageBottles = 0.0;
double randNum = 0.0;
int bottleSum = 0;
int numBottles = 1;
int bottle = 0;
int maxRange = 6;
int minRange = 1;
int oneTrial = 0;
int winPrize = 1;
double token = 0;
int totalSumCaps = 0;
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
//Generates bottle number for first test
randNum = Math.random();
bottle = ((int)((randNum) * (maxRange - minRange)) + minRange);
//construct an object called outFile to allow access to output methods of the PrintWriter class
PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter(new File("trials.txt"));
//Gets users input for how many trials
System.out.print("Enter the amount of trials: ");
int trials = in.nextInt();
//Check averages for entered trials
for (int loop = 1; loop <= trials; loop++)
//Clears out the loops variables each time through
if(loop != 0)
averageBottles = 0;
bottleSum = 0;
oneTrial = 0;
numBottles = 0;
for(int x = 1; x <= 20; x++)
if(x == 20) //One trial is completed
averageBottles = bottleSum / x;
//Replaces the old bottle number for a new bottle
randNum = Math.random();
bottle = ((int)((randNum) * (maxRange - minRange)) + minRange);
else if(bottle == winPrize)
oneTrial = numBottles;
if(oneTrial == 0)
oneTrial = 1;
//Replaces the old bottle number for a new bottle
randNum = Math.random();
bottle = ((int)((randNum) * (maxRange - minRange)) + minRange);
else if(bottle != winPrize) //not a winner, gets new bottle and increments the number of bottles tested
//Replaces the old bottle number for a new bottle
randNum = Math.random();
bottle = ((int)((randNum) * (maxRange - minRange)) + minRange);
oneTrial = numBottles;
numBottles ++;
bottleSum += oneTrial; //Adds the sum from each trial
outFile.println("Trial " + loop + "." + " " + averageBottles); //Prints the averages to the file
System.out.println("Trial " + loop + "." + " " + averageBottles);
//outFile.println("Trial " + "=" + " " + averageBottles); //Prints the averages to the file
//System.out.println("Trial "+ "=" + " " + " " + averageBottles);
}//end of for loop
outFile.close ( );//close the file when finished
//Read the trial data back in and calculate the average
File fileName = new File("trials.txt");
Scanner inFile = new Scanner(fileName);
//read file and get data
token = inFile.nextDouble();
totalSumCaps += token;
double totalAverageCaps = totalSumCaps / trials;
//Print results
System.out.println("The average number of caps opened in order to win a prize is: " + totalAverageCaps);