我正在使用 DEV SSL 证书,但奇怪的是我的通知服务器连接到“gateway.push.apple.com”而不是“gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com”。

在 Keychain Access 中,证书称为“Apple Development IOS Push Services:...”,所以我很确定它是用于开发的。我从中创建了我的 .p12 文件并部署到我的通知服务器。


我的通知服务器是用 Java 编写的,使用 javapns API。我尝试再次创建 .p12 并重新启动我的通知服务器,但没有运气......



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JavaPN 有一个标志(在其方法之一中),用于确定它们是尝试连接到沙箱还是生产推送环境。它与您提供给它的证书无关。


 * Push a preformatted payload to a list of devices.
 * @param payload a simple or complex payload to push.
 * @param keystore a keystore containing your private key and the certificate signed by Apple ({@link java.io.File}, {@link java.io.InputStream}, byte[], {@link java.security.KeyStore} or {@link java.lang.String} for a file path)
 * @param password the keystore's password.
 * @param production true to use Apple's production servers, false to use the sandbox servers.
 * @param devices a list or an array of tokens or devices: {@link java.lang.String String[]}, {@link java.util.List}<{@link java.lang.String}>, {@link javapns.devices.Device Device[]}, {@link java.util.List}<{@link javapns.devices.Device}>, {@link java.lang.String} or {@link javapns.devices.Device}
 * @return a list of pushed notifications, each with details on transmission results and error (if any)
 * @throws KeystoreException thrown if an error occurs when loading the keystore
 * @throws CommunicationException thrown if an unrecoverable error occurs while trying to communicate with Apple servers
public static PushedNotifications payload(Payload payload, Object keystore, String password, boolean production, Object devices) throws CommunicationException, KeystoreException {
    return sendPayload(payload, keystore, password, production, devices);
于 2013-10-31T15:49:43.100 回答