我的 .screenrc 中有以下行,它在屏幕底部为我提供了一个标题行:
screen $SHELL -c 'screen -X caption always "%{= RW} $STY | %c:%s `date +%Z` | host:%H | load:%l | escape:CTRL-U "'
%{= RW} <== White text on red background
$STY <== Name of the screen session e.g. "4169.debug_screen"
%c:%s <== The time in 24 hour format with seconds
`date +%Z` <== The timezone the server is configured to
host:%H <== The hostname of the server
load:%l <== The current load averages of the server
escape:CTRL-U <== A textual reminder that the screen escape key is set to CTRL-U (not CTRL-A)
要获取正在运行的屏幕列表,包括名称,我只需键入“screen -ls”(我已将其别名为“scls”)。