必须有一个简单的原因,这不起作用,但验证代码并没有显示出来,盯着它也没有帮助。当您滚动图像热点时,大多数文本都可以正常显示。但不适用于标记为 1、5 和 6 的红色。




1 回答 1


@briligg - 这是转义字符问题;您正在使用' 字符(单引号)来包含函数参数(在您的情况下是文本)。但是,您的文本包含提到的标记文本的附加 ' 字符(单引号);您可以使用\' 转义此单引号字符(反斜杠前面的单引号字符)


writeText ('Low back - The way flat seats round our low backs is a major reason so many people eventually have weak low backs and experience pain there. It doesn't help that most people sit an awful lot. We are the first walking apes, our pelvis has been extensively modified to allow that to happen. Unfortunately, sitting with this modified pelvis hasn't turned out to be easy.')


writeText ('Low back - The way flat seats round our low backs is a major reason so many people eventually have weak low backs and experience pain there. It doesn\'t help that most people sit an awful lot. We are the first walking apes, our pelvis has been extensively modified to allow that to happen. Unfortunately, sitting with this modified pelvis hasn\'t turned out to be easy.')
于 2013-10-30T20:59:25.677 回答