from numpy import *
eps = 0.1
#ASSUMING the second arrow is sorted (otherwise sort it first)
a= array(
[[1, 1.2, 3],
[2, 2.2, 3],
[3, 2.25, 1],
[4, 2.28, 4],
[5, 3.2, 8],
[6, 4.2, 10],
[7, 4.21, 3],
[8, 4.25, 4],
[9, 4.28, 1],
[10, 5.2, 10],
# expected result
# a= [[1, 1.2, 3],
# [3, 2.25, 1],
# [5, 3.2, 8],
# [9, 4.28, 1],
# [10, 5.2, 10],
# ]
n = shape(a)[0]
b = a[:,1]
a1 = a[ (diff(b)<eps) ]
#indexes of some False that could be True.
#these indexes should be checked backwards
#and evtl. added to a1
indexes = where((diff(b)<eps)==False)[0][1:]
for index in indexes:
if b[index] - b[index-1]<eps:
a1 = vstack( (a1,a[index,:]) )
#sort array
a1 = a1[lexsort( (a1[:,1],a1[:,1]))]
groups = where(diff(a1[:,1])>eps)[0]
i = 0
# get min of groups
for g in groups:
ag = a1[i:g+1,2]
Ag = a1[i:g+1,:]
if i == 0:
a2 = Ag [ ag == min(ag) ]
a2 = vstack( (a2, Ag [ ag == min(ag) ] ) )
i = g+1
#add last group
ag = a1[g+1:,2]
Ag = a1[g+1:,:]
a2 = vstack( (a2, Ag [ ag == min(ag) ]) )
#the elements that build no groups
result = a[ in1d(a[:,0], [ int(i) for i in a[:,0] if i not in a1[:,0] ]) ]
# add the elements of a2, these are the minimal elements of each group
result = vstack( (result, a2) )
# sort the result (optional)
result = result[lexsort( (result[:,0], result[:,0]))]
print "final result\n", result
In [1]: run
final result
[[ 1. 1.2 3. ]
[ 3. 2.25 1. ]
[ 5. 3.2 8. ]
[ 9. 4.28 1. ]
[ 10. 5.2 10. ]]