VB script is not working in IE10 I have used the below code copying in .html file . when I double click on the .html file below file opens perfectly in IE8 but not in IE 10 . Please help
<STRONG>New version of <SPAN STYLE="background-color:yellow"> v 2.10.12 </SPAN>,
released on <SPAN STYLE="background-color:yellow"> 7th Mar 2008.</span>. </STRONG>
<DIV ID="jwsReady">
<SCRIPT Language="VBScript">
ReadyHTML = ReadyHTML & "<br>Please remember to set up the"
ReadyHTML = ReadyHTML & "<SPAN STYLE=""background-color:yellow"">Proxy</SPAN> for Java Web Start©(JWS) as"
ReadyHTML = ReadyHTML & "<SPAN STYLE=""background-color:yellow"">None</SPAN>, either: -"
ReadyHTML = ReadyHTML & "<UL>"
ReadyHTML = ReadyHTML & "<LI>during first access, when JWS prompts for proxy set up, or,</LI>"
ReadyHTML = ReadyHTML & "<LI>by accessing the JWS program, either through the Start Menu"
ReadyHTML = ReadyHTML & "[Start->Programs->Java Web Start->Java Web Start], or "
ReadyHTML = ReadyHTML & "its shortcut on the desktop.<BR>"
ReadyHTML = ReadyHTML & "In the menu File->Preferences, General tab, select the Proxy as"
ReadyHTML = ReadyHTML & " <SPAN STYLE=""background-color:yellow"">None</SPAN>.</LI>"
ReadyHTML = ReadyHTML & "</UL>"
ReadyHTML = ReadyHTML & "If you have any questions during setup, please contact the <a href=""mailto:XYZ@gmail.com?subject=Install Support"">dev group</a>."
NotReadyHTML = NotReadyHTML & "<BR>"
NotReadyHTML = NotReadyHTML & "<EM>Before Installation, please make sure you have closed all other programs.</EM><BR>"
NotReadyHTML = NotReadyHTML & "Please choose default options all throughout<BR>"
NotReadyHTML = NotReadyHTML & "After installing the runtime environment, you may be required to restart the machine."
NotReadyHTML = NotReadyHTML & "If you have restarted, please visit this page again. If you have not restarted,"
NotReadyHTML = NotReadyHTML & "please refresh this page."
NotReadyHTML = NotReadyHTML & "If you have any questions during install, please contact the <a href=""mailto:xyz@gmail.com?subject=Install Support"">dev group</a>."
BothJREJNLP = "JWS installed, but version not detectable. Try <A HREF=""/rca/rca.jnlp"" STYLE=""color:blue;"">Client</A>. If you get any error(s), try <a href=""http://mpts.ctc.chrysler.com/jre/j2re-1_4_2_07-windows-i586-p.exe"">JRE v 1.4.2_06</a>." & NotReadyHTML & ReadyHTML
On Error Resume Next
Document.All.jwsReady.innerHTML = BothJREJNLP
End Sub
Call JWS