例如,一个物体指向北方,我说绕 y 轴旋转 180 度。在那之后我说:倾斜 90 度它从“世界”的角度倾斜它。所以它指向下方而不是向上。(很抱歉这个令人困惑的故事,如果你尝试下面的代码并使用你的上下左右键,你就会明白我的意思)。
import time
import numpy
from visual import *
# initialize variables
pitch_degrees = 0
roll_degrees = 0
yaw_degrees = 0
xangle = 0.0
yangle = 0.0
zangle = 0.0
# create the airplane frame. this will be our working object.
airplane = frame(make_trail=True)
# below are the elements that create the airplane
body = cone(frame=airplane, pos=(50,0,0), axis=(-150,0,0), radius=10)
body2 = cone(frame=airplane, pos=(50,0,0), axis=(50,0,0), radius=10)
wing = box(frame=airplane, pos=(35,0,0), size=(30,3,180))
tail = box(frame=airplane, pos=(-75,0,0), size=(20,3,50))
aileron = box(frame=airplane, pos=(-75,12,0), size=(20,24,3))
cabin = ellipsoid(frame=airplane, pos=(30,5,0), axis=(1,0,0),size=(45,24,12))
for obj in airplane.objects:
obj.color = color.red
body.color = color.white
cabin.color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
cabin.opacity = 0.8
# I'm experiencing some jitter in my screen when starting up (yay ati....)
# loop forever
while True:
# are there any keys pressed? if so, act on them.
if scene.kb.keys: # event waiting to be processed?
s = scene.kb.getkey() # get keyboard info
if (s == 'up'):
pitch_degrees = pitch_degrees - 1
if (s == 'down'):
pitch_degrees = pitch_degrees + 1
if (s == 'left'):
roll_degrees = roll_degrees - 1
if (s == 'right'):
roll_degrees = roll_degrees + 1
# convert degrees to radians
zangle = numpy.radians(pitch_degrees)
xangle = numpy.radians(roll_degrees)
# execute the actual rotation.
# but this should be relative to its current rotation :(
# some delay because i'm a dirty boy