基本上,我想找出是否有任何点与列表中的任何组合对齐,但我似乎想不出一个好的方法来做到这一点(12 级循环会有点混乱)。下面的代码将搜索组合并确定哪些包含该点,然后我希望它搜索这些组合以查看一行中是否有 4 个点(当我对显示进行排序时,它最终将是一个 4x4x4 立方体,所以这些组合都是你可以做出的所有可能的线条)
#bit not in the code, just here so you can see the structure
possibleCombinations = []
possibleCombinations.append(['(4, 4, 1)', '(3, 4, 1)', '(2, 4, 1)', '(1, 4, 1)'])
possibleCombinations.append(['(4, 4, 4)', '(3, 4, 3)', '(2, 4, 2)', '(1, 4, 1)'])
possibleCombinations.append(['(1, 1, 3)', '(2, 1, 3)', '(3, 1, 3)', '(4, 1, 3)'])
#finds which combinations contain the point
for i in points:
coordinates = (i[0], i[1], i[2])
for j in range(len(possibleCombinations)):
if any(str(coordinates) in s for s in possibleCombinations[j]):
print possibleCombinations[j]
each corner has 7
each edge has 4
each side has 3 (with 2 diagonal lines running through)
each middle has 2 (with 20 diagonal lines running through)
#temp coordinate
x = 1
y = 1
z = 1
#calculate location
locationNum = 0
if x == 1 or x == 4:
locationNum += 1
locationNum -= 1
if y == 1 or y == 4:
locationNum += 10
locationNum -= 10
if z == 1 or z == 4:
locationNum += 100
locationNum -= 100
if locationNum == 111:
position = "corner"
elif locationNum == 109 or locationNum == 91 or locationNum == -89:
position = "edge"
elif locationNum == -109 or locationNum == -91 or locationNum == 89:
position = "side"
elif locationNum == -111:
position = "middle"
时间不早了,我已经开始了多次尝试,但都没有成功,所以你们可以提供任何帮助将不胜感激。我正在考虑对所有位置进行单独计算,我也许可以这样做,但是穿过的对角线会使这有点复杂,然后仍然需要检查一行中的 4 个点。
谢谢 :)