In my program I need to store result files for different cases. I have decided to create separate directories to store these result files. To explain the exact situation here is a pseudo code.
do i=1,N ! N cases of my analysis
call write_files(U) !Create a new directory for this case and Open files (1 = a.csv, 2 = b.csv) to write data
call postprocess() !Write data in files (a.csv, b.csv)
call close_files() !Close all files (1,2)
end do
subroutine write_files(i)
!Make directory i
!Open file a.csv and b.csv with unit 1 & 2
!Write header information in file a.csv and b.csv
close subroutine
I am struggling in converting the real variable U to a character variable so that I can use call system('mkdir out/' trim(U))
to create separate folders to store my results.
I would also like to mention that my variable U is speed which is like 0.00000, 1.00000, 1.50000
etc. Is there a way I can simplify my directory name so it is like 0,1,1.5
Hope my explanation is clear. If not let me know, I will try to edit as required.
Thank you for help.