好的,所以我对构建访问报告的 VBA 语法有一些疑问。

EX 修改部分:rpt.section(acDetail).Height=0

  1. 我想知道如何关闭页眉和页脚,而不仅仅是将 Visable 设置为 False。我想要它,所以它不能在设计视图中看到。

  2. 如何在 Vba 中复制报表并为其分配新名称/将子报表添加到主报表并移动它的位置。或者至少复制它并保持打开状态,因为我有一个重命名它的代码,如下所示:

    Public Function GetUniqueReportName() As String
    Dim intCounter As Integer
    Dim blnIsUnique As Boolean
    Dim rpt As Object
      For intCounter = 1 To 256
          GetUniqueReportName = "SubReport_" & Format(intCounter, "0000")
          blnIsUnique = True
          For Each rpt In CurrentProject.AllReports
              If rpt.Name = GetUniqueReportName Then blnIsUnique = False
          If blnIsUnique Then Exit Function
     GetUniqueReportName = ""
     End Function
  3. 还有其他功能可以帮助我通过 VBA 构建 Access 报告吗,您不必解释它们的作用我只想知道它们是什么,因此我可以直接搜索它们,因为没有很多信息在网上关于如何做到这一点。

所有这些信息都会有很大帮助,我假设许多其他人可以使用这些信息,而且关于这个主题的信息不多。提前致谢!:) 如果您不能回答所有问题,那么此时任何信息都是一种奖励。


1 回答 1


三、这将通过调用 rptCreateTmpReportSimple() 创建 rptTmp:

Function rptCreateTmpReportSimple()
  Dim lLeft As Long, lTop As Long, lWidth As Long, lHeight As Long
  Dim strFld As String, strRecordSource As String
  Dim strRpt As String
  Dim rpt As Access.Report
  Dim ctl As Access.control
  strRecordSource = "MyTableName"
  strRpt = "rptTmp"
  Set rpt = Application.CreateReport
  rpt.visible = False
' define report properties, unit is in twips.
  rpt.RecordSource = strRecordSource
  rpt.caption = "Special Report"
  rpt.DefaultView = acPreview
  rpt.Width = 9870
  rpt.visible = True
' save it with a name:
  DoCmd.Save acDefault, strRpt
' create a textbox for each field:
  strFld = "FieldName1"
  lLeft = 100
  lTop = 50
  lWidth = 2000
  lHeight = 250
  Set ctl = Application.CreateReportControl(strRpt, acTextBox, _
    acDetail, , strFld, lLeft, lTop, lWidth, lHeight)
  ctl.Name = strFld
  ctl.Fontsize = 8
' Create other controls...
  DoCmd.Close acReport, strRpt, acSaveYes
' close ADO objects:
  Set ctl = Nothing
  Set rpt = Nothing
  rptCreateTmpReportSimple = strRpt
End Function



二、将 rptTmp 复制到 rptTmp2:

DoCmd.CopyObject , "rptTmp2", acReport, "rptTmp"
于 2013-10-29T10:51:12.007 回答