I decided to use InAppSettingsKit for my app. However, certain settings require the user to use the audio input for custom setting. I was wondering whether there is a way of presenting a modal view controller from within Settings.bundle - getting the parent view controller that presents Settings.app to sense that a button/setting was changed and launch another view controller on top of this one to pick the new setting from audio input and pass it on to the setting.bundle?


2 回答 2


InAppSettingsKit 带有一个扩展,允许您执行此操作。

检查自述文件中的自定义视图控制器部分。当然,这只适用于应用程序,而不是设置应用程序。有几个选项可以区分 Settings.app 和应用内的设置列表。请参阅“自定义应用程序列表”。

于 2013-10-28T18:13:47.667 回答

Settings.bundle 和您打开的应用程序之间没有默认的通信机制。他们可以在彼此之间传递数据的唯一方法是通过 NSUserDefaults。

如果您愿意,您可以将值存储到 NSUserDefaults 中以指示您打开的最后一个 View Controller,但这必须是手动过程。即使实现了这一点,Settings.bundle 中也没有地方可以执行逻辑来消耗该值。

于 2013-10-28T00:38:02.410 回答