我看到了很多基于点的指标的可能性(伦敦的犯罪热点等。使用 googleVis、ggmap 等),但我找不到太多基于点的指标(城市之间的移民、火车路线等)的例子.) 包中有一个示例geosphere
,但它似乎不适用于R 3.0.2
理想情况下,我想要这样的D3 示例,并且还想要自定义线条和圆圈的粗细、颜色等。
我使用(我的)rworldmap 包进行制图,WDI 用于世界银行数据,geosphere 用于大圆线。其目的是绘制从所有捐助国到所有受援国的援助流量(每个捐助者一个地块)。下面是一个示例图,下面是代码。希望能帮助到你。很高兴能有时间再次拿起它!安迪
## lines of either type may obscure more than they add
##**choose line option here
addLines <- 'gc' #'none''straight' 'gc'
if ( addLines == 'gc' ) library(geosphere)
# setting background colours
oceanCol = rgb(7,0,30,maxColorValue=255)
landCol = oceanCol
#produces a list of indicator IDs and names as a matrix
indicatorList <- WDIsearch('aid flows')
#setting up a world map shaped plot window
#*beware this is windows specific
year <- 2000
#for(indNum in 1:2)
for(indNum in 1:nrow(indicatorList))
indID <- indicatorList[indNum][1]
donorISO3 <- substr(indID,start=8,stop=10)
dFdonor <- WDI(indicator=indID,start=year,end=year)
#divide by 10^6 for million dollars
dFdonor[indID] <- dFdonor[indID] * 1/10^6
sPDFdonor <- joinCountryData2Map(dFdonor,nameJoinColumn='country',joinCode='NAME')
#take out Antarctica
sPDFdonor <- sPDFdonor[-which(row.names(sPDFdonor)=='Antarctica'),]
legendTitle=paste("aid flow from",donorISO3,year,"(millions US$)")
mapBubbles(sPDFdonor, nameZSize=indID, plotZeroVals=FALSE, legendHoriz=TRUE, legendPos="bottom", fill=FALSE, legendTitle=legendTitle, oceanCol=oceanCol, landCol=landCol,borderCol=rgb(50,50,50,maxColorValue=255),lwd=0.5,lwdSymbols=1)
#removed because not working , main=paste('donor', donorISO3,year)
#now can I plot lines from the centroid of the donor to the centroids of the recipients
xDonor <- sPDFdonor$LON[ which(sPDFdonor$ISO3==donorISO3) ]
yDonor <- sPDFdonor$LAT[ which(sPDFdonor$ISO3==donorISO3) ]
xRecips <- sPDFdonor$LON[ which(sPDFdonor[[indID]] > 0) ]
yRecips <- sPDFdonor$LAT[ which(sPDFdonor[[indID]] > 0) ]
amountRecips <- sPDFdonor[[indID]][ which(sPDFdonor[[indID]] > 0) ]
## straight lines
if ( addLines == 'straight' )
for(line in 1:length(xRecips))
#col <- 'blue'
#i could modify the colour of the lines by the size of the donation
#moving up lower values
lines(x=c(xDonor,xRecips[line]),y=c(yDonor,yRecips[line]),col=col, lty="dotted", lwd=0.5) #lty = "dashed", "dotted", "dotdash", "longdash", lwd some devices support <1
## great circle lines
## don't work well when donor not centred in the map
## also the loop fails at CEC & TOT because not ISO3 codes
if ( addLines == 'gc' & donorISO3 != "CEC" & donorISO3 != "TOT" )
for(line in 1:length(xRecips))
#gC <- gcIntermediate(c(xDonor,yDonor),c(xRecips[line],yRecips[line]), n=50, breakAtDateLine=TRUE)
#30/10/13 lines command failed with Error in xy.coords(x, y) :
#'x' is a list, but does not have components 'x' and 'y'
#adding sp=TRUE solved
gC <- gcIntermediate(c(xDonor,yDonor),c(xRecips[line],yRecips[line]), n=50, breakAtDateLine=TRUE, sp=TRUE)
#i could modify the colour of the lines by the size of the donation
#moving up lower values
#adding coasts in blue looks nice but may distract
#repeating mapBubbles with add=T to go on top of the lines
mapBubbles(sPDFdonor, nameZSize=indID, plotZeroVals=FALSE, fill=FALSE, addLegend=FALSE, add=TRUE, ,lwd=2)
#removed because not working : , main=paste('donor', donorISO3,year)
#looking at adding country labels
text(xRecips,yRecips,sPDFdonor$NAME[ which(sPDFdonor[[indID]] > 0) ],col=rgb(1,1,1,alpha=0.3),cex=0.6,pos=4) #pos=4 right (1=b,2=l,3=ab)
#add a title
nameDonor <- sPDFdonor$NAME[ which(sPDFdonor$ISO3==donorISO3) ]
mtext(paste("Aid flow from",nameDonor,year), cex = 1.8, line=-0.8)
} #end of indNum loop