我创建了自己的 DialogViewController 类。该对话框有两个级别。我希望用户能够单击允许他删除第二级元素的编辑按钮。
public class TestMenu : DialogViewController
public TestMenu() : base (new RootElement("Menu"), true)
Section section = new Section ();
this.Root.Add (section);
RootElement firstRoot = new RootElement ("First level 1");
section.Add (firstRoot);
RootElement secondRoot = new RootElement ("First level 2");
section.Add (secondRoot);
// first rootelement
Section firstSection = new Section ();
firstRoot.Add (firstSection);
StringElement firstElement = new StringElement ("Second level element 1");
firstSection.Add (firstElement);
// Button to set edit mode
Section buttonSection = new Section ();
firstRoot.Add (buttonSection);
StringElement buttonElement = new StringElement ("Edit");
buttonElement.Tapped += delegate
// This works to get it in editing mode
firstRoot.TableView.SetEditing(true, true);
// This statement will not set it to editing mode
//this.SetEditing(true, true);
buttonSection.Add (buttonElement);
// second rootelement
Section secondSection = new Section ();
secondRoot.Add (secondSection);
StringElement secondElement = new StringElement ("Second level element 2");
secondSection.Add (secondElement);
public override Source CreateSizingSource (bool unevenRows)
return new TestSource(this);
class TestSource : DialogViewController.SizingSource
public TestSource(DialogViewController container)
: base (container)
public override bool CanEditRow (UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
return true;
public override void CommitEditingStyle (UITableView tableView, UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle, NSIndexPath indexPath)
// This is only fired when something is deleted in the first level
base.CommitEditingStyle (tableView, editingStyle, indexPath);
我已阅读以下帖子,其中解释了如何在对话框视图控制器的第一个屏幕中启用编辑模式:http: //monotouch.2284126.n4.nabble.com/Monotouch-Dialog-table-rows-not-selectable-in-编辑模式-td4658436.html
这适用于第一级,但也可以在第二级(第二级元素 1)中以相同的方式对源进行子分类?