I'm building an application in Ember.js and I'm having an issue monitoring a property I'm displaying to the user. When the user logs in I'm querying an API to get the count of the number of message that have a field called "isTrue" and seeing how many have a value of "true".

When the user logs into the system I am grabbing an ID from their cookie in the application controller through the init: function()

This data is then being displayed in the Application Template. Is this the best way to do this? I'm having an issue that when the user clicks on a button to change the record from "isNew" == "true" to "isNew" == "false" the property is not updating correctly. Is this the best way to do this or am I going about it all wrong from an Ember standpoint?

App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({

    messageCount: null,

    init: function() {

        var test = 0;

        //get the cookie
        //query an API to retrieve a set of records to check if a specific field is marked as true
        //Compute the messageCount based on the number of records that are marked as true and set test equal to the message count. 

        this.set("messageCount", test);

    getMessages: function() {

        //repeat the code from the init function

    actions: {

        markAsRead: function() {


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messageCount: function () {
    return this.filterProperty('isNew', true).get('length');


于 2013-10-25T23:31:29.553 回答