在运行此命令的 OS X Mavericks 上通过自制软件安装 FFMPEG 时出现错误brew install ffmpeg
Error: ffmpeg dependency x264 was built with the following
C++ standard library: libstdc++ (from clang)
This is incompatible with the standard library being used
to build ffmpeg: libc++ (from clang)
Please reinstall x264 using a compatible compiler.
hint: Check https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/wiki/C++-Standard-Libraries
完整的历史是:我已经在 Mountain Lion 上安装了 FFMPEG(工作正常),但是当将其升级到 Mavericks 时,FFMPEG 无法在我的 Ruby on Rails 应用程序中创建视频:Ruby on Rails:FFMPEG 在将 Mountain Lion 升级到 Mavericks 后失败