我的情况是,我有一个 xml 文档,该文档将以下列方式更新:文档中围绕某个 x、y 位置的最深子项(取决于它的 x、y、宽度和高度属性)将获得一个新的子元素。如果存在多个具有相同深度的孩子,则更新底部的孩子。
//returns the deepest element which surrounds the given position
private static function getDeepestElementAtPos(curElement:XML, depth:uint, targetX:uint, targetY:uint, totParentX:uint = 0, totParentY:uint = 0):Object
var deepestElement:Object = new Object();
deepestElement["xml"] = curElement;
deepestElement["depth"] = depth;
var posDeeperChild:Object;
for each (var child:XML in curElement.children())
if (posInsideNode(child, totParentX, totParentY, targetX, targetY))
posDeeperChild = getDeepestElementAtPos(child, depth + 1, targetX, targetY, totParentX + Number(child.@x), totParentY + Number(child.@y));
if (posDeeperChild["depth"] > depth) deepestElement = posDeeperChild;
return deepestElement;
//returns whether the given position is inside the node
private static function posInsideNode(child:XML, offsetX:uint, offsetY:uint, targetX:uint, targetY:uint):Boolean
//if all required properties are given for an element with content
if ((child.@x.length() == 1) && (child.@y.length() == 1) && (child.@width.length() == 1) && (child.@height.length() == 1))
//if the new object is inside this child
if ((Number(child.@x) + offsetX <= targetX) && (Number(child.@x) + offsetX + Number(child.@width) >= targetX) && (Number(child.@y) + offsetY <= targetY) && (Number(child.@y) + offsetY + Number(child.@height) >= targetY))
return true;
return false;
//creates a new object at the given location, if existing elements are at the same location this will become a sub-element
public static function addNewObject(type:String, x:uint, y:uint):void
//get page code
var pageCode:XML = pageCodes[curPageId];
//get deepest element at this position
var deepestElement:XML = getDeepestElementAtPos(pageCode, 0, x, y)["xml"];
//define the new element
var newElement:XML = <newElement>tmp</newElement>;
//if it has to be added to the main tree
if (deepestElement == pageCode)
//add the element to the child found earlier
//update the element in page code
// ! this is where I am stuck !
newElement 只是暂时用于实验目的。如果最深的孩子是主树(所以没有匹配的孩子),我确实设法更新了代码。但是,当有匹配的孩子或孩子中的孩子时,我不知道如何用更新的最深的孩子更新主树。
pageCode.insertChildAfter(deepestElement, newElement);
因为,显然,这仅在 deepestElement 是 pageCode 的直接子代而不是子代的子代(甚至更远)时才有效。
所以,问题是:我如何更新 pageCode 以包含更新后的 deepestElement 孩子,即使那个孩子是孩子的孩子等等?