谁能解释一下 APL 将如何在数学研究或金融行业中实施?

我看到很多关于require APL的工作帖子,我已经开始学习它,但不知道他们为什么需要这个程序。有人可以给我一些简单的例子吗?


2 回答 2


在金融行业,APL 可能指的是 Fiserv 的产品和服务,它通过多年来的不同收购获得了一家名为“Security APL”的公司或产品。这是一个交易系统,与 APL 编程语言本身没什么关系。

APL 是近来非常流行的首字母缩写词,American President Lines、Applied Physics Laboratory、Ancient Programming Language 等。

于 2013-10-23T11:07:01.477 回答

I'm afraid because of its open format and the multitude of possible answers you question is not really appropriate for stackoverflow. Googling for "apl use cases" does not return stuff which might answer the question, and this is perhaps something the vendors should address.

I guess one aspect the financial guys like about it is the interactive nature of APL (it's an interpreted language, not compiled), so it is easy to test/modify assumptions/models etc. - i.e. APL is also popular with actuaries in insurances. Another aspect is that APL enables you to focus on the problem and its solution and does not require you to study IT in order to solve a problem (i.e. in other languages you actually have to tell the machine to reserver memory for a variable before you can use that variable). That is also the reason why APL is being marketed as a language for "domain-experts", ppl that work in a specific area and have in-depth knowledge of it - and APL is the tool that enables these experts to develop solution to their actual problems. (i.e. I heard a success-story of a "peer programming" session from an Apl-Guy and and insurance-specialist who were trying to implement a model for various complex tariffs, and after a while, the insurance-person was even able to highlight bugs in the code).

Also, my personal story is an example of something unthinkeable with other languages: I had a background in Basic, Pascal, Assembler etc. when I started working as production planning analyst with a major food-compaany and was responsible for support of their new production planning-system. With my background, I was immediately horrified by APL when I first saw the code! ;) However, I got curious because issues that I thought were immensly complex and would take days to solve were addressed amazingly fast - so I started playing with the interpreter, using te old intro from Gilman/Rose. Finally I started "getting into it" and very quickly was able to extend the functionality of that system and 10 yrs later became the lead-developer etc.

OK, far too lengthy reply - but still the q is interesting and the discussion disserves a wider audience and more replies, although, as I said, it is not a real "SO-format"...

于 2013-10-23T09:40:25.490 回答