I am running an app on a phone, I have defined this:

private static final String TAG = "111";

When I press a button I call this:

  Log.d(TAG, "in push to talk on: 111 ");

However I don't see anything relating to 111 in the logcat output, I tried to create my own filter with a tag of 111, but nothing appears in this tab? How can I see these tag messages in logcat?

EDIT: i can see the messages if I change them to log.e weirdly.


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您是否检查过 Eclipse 中的过滤器级别?检查下拉按钮是否已verbose选中debug。如果您已经选择了warningor error,您将看不到任何输出。

于 2013-10-22T09:58:20.027 回答