执行 FitNesse 脚本时,出现“实例 scriptTableActor。不存在”错误。任何人都可以解释这个错误的含义吗?
我在 eclipse 中创建了一个夹具:
* To enter text or numbers in a text field, add this row to your FitNesse script table:
* <html> <br/> <br/>
* | Enter value xpath | value | in field |fieldXpath |
* <br/> <br/>
* </html>
* tags: setter
* @param fieldXpath the field xpath assigned to the target field
* @param input the characters to be entered
* @return true if text entered successfully
public boolean EnterValueInFieldByXpath(String xpath, String value) {
try {
println "in the EnterValueInFieldByXpath method "
WebElement e = driver.findElement(By.xpath(xpath))
return true
} catch (Exception e) {
println "apparently did not find the $xpath Link: ${e}"
return false
当我在 FitNesse 命令中使用这个夹具时,就会出现这样的错误。