我正在使用一个程序来自动化一个 Excel 文档,同时我想打开其他 Excel 文档并处理这些文档(不是自动化的)。

当我在自动化运行时打开文档时,我打开的文件被冻结并且我无法访问它。我试图将我的自动化程序的可见属性设置为 false,但如果我修改一个文档,它会创建一个异常。

是否可以自动化 excel 文档并同时打开和处理其他 excel 文档?




1 回答 1


Do you open new documents via the File > Open? If so then the new documents are opened in the same Excel process. This causes freezes if one of the documents is doing intensive calculations.

Solution to this is to open documents in new Excel process. You can do this by opening a new Excel window and go to File > Open from there. If you have one Excel window opened and you open a document it will also start in the existing Excel process. You can check how many Excels you have opened in your Task manager.

Some more information can be found here and here.

于 2013-05-17T09:37:24.483 回答