
我只是想知道是否有可能真正让溢出滚动与可在手机上拖动的 Jquery UI 一起工作。我知道 Jquery UI 不能在移动设备上运行,但我有一个脚本可以破解它,所以它不仅对鼠标有反应,而且对触摸也有反应。

现在,如果我放入代码以使 Jquery UI 可拖动工作,那么溢出滚动将不会如此,是的,我只是想知道是否有人知道如何解决这个问题?


<html >
    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no, width=100%" />
    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black" />
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js"></script>
    <script src="http://webprofolio.freeserver.me/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js"></script>






<div id="thebody">
<div id="parent">
<div id="content">
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
Hello gentlemen welcome to the end of the days!!! you want to buy some sandwiches? No thanks, I don't like strawberries
The last paragraph



function touchMove()
    $( "#parent" ).draggable({ axis: "x" , containment:"parent"},




1 回答 1



<script src="http://webprofolio.freeserver.me/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js"</script>

<script src="http://webprofolio.freeserver.me/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js"></script>


于 2013-10-21T12:34:31.770 回答