I managed to advance with a problem I was having and am looking for advice on the structure of my outer for loop. My inner loop works correctly. I want to repeat the 11 calculations 6 times using a different height (value of h) for each iteration. On the iterations of the J loop h increases to it's original value + 2*h. POI in the K loop depends on h and is defined but has been omitted for readability. Can update with the full script if necessary. Should the definition of POI be within the nested loop?
h = 0.5985;
GroundDistance = 18.75;
SouthAngle = 57;
TreeHeight = 14;
POI = TreeHeight-h;
BuildingElevationAng = atand(POI/GroundDistance);
TreeLengthRHS = 15.89+a;
h = 0.5985;
for k = 2:6;
X(k) = X(k-1) + (X(1)*2);
for J = 1:6
for K = 1:11
TreeLengthTest(K) = TreeLengthRHS + (2*(K-1)*a);
TreeLengthLHS = 75 - TreeLengthTest(K);
AngleBx(K) = atand(TreeLengthLHS/GroundDistance);
AngleCx(K) = atand(TreeLengthTest(K)/GroundDistance); %wasTreeLengthRHS
DistanceAx(K) = GroundDistance/cosd(SouthAngle);
DistanceBx(K) = GroundDistance/cosd(AngleBx(K));
DistanceCx(K) = GroundDistance/cosd(AngleCx(K));
AltAngleA(K) = atand(POI/DistanceAx(K));
AltAngleB(K) = atand(POI/DistanceBx(K));
AltAngleC(K) = atand(POI/DistanceCx(K));
AzimuthA = 0;
AzimuthB = (-AngleBx)-SouthAngle;
AzimuthC = AngleCx-SouthAngle;
Any help is greatly appreciated.