如果我有 3 个班级,可以说:Mainclass、ChildClass、OtherChild。

     ChildClass cc = new ChildClass();
     OtherChild oc = new OtherChild();

     //Set the name property of childclass
     string childName = "some name";

    public string name {get; set;}

     //Here i want to get the name property from ChildClass()
     //Doing this will make a new instance of ChildClass,  which will not have the name property set.
     ChildClass cc = new ChildClass(); 




5 回答 5




public MainClass()
    // just using auto-properties here. Will need initialized before use.
    public ChildClass cc { get; set; }
    public OtherChild oc { get; set; }

     // Constructor. Gets called when initializing as "new MainClass()"
     public MainClass() 
        // initialize our properties

        // option 1 - initialize, then set
        cc = new ChildClass();
        cc.childName = "some name"; //Set the name property of childclass

        //option 2 - initialize and set via constructor
        cc = new ChildClass("some name");

        // option 3 - initialize and set with initializer (more here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/bb397680.aspx)
        cc = new ChildClass() { name = "some name" };

        oc = new OtherChild(cc);

public ChildClass()
    public string name { get; set; }

    // Default constructor. this.name will = null after this is run
    public ChildClass() 

    // Other constructor. this.name = passed in "name" after this is run
    public ChildClass(string name) 
        //"this.name" specifies that you are referring to the name that belongs to this class
        this.name = name;


public OtherChild()
    public ChildClass cc { get; set; } 

    public OtherChild() 
       cc = new ChildClass(); // initialize object in the default constructor

    public OtherChild(ChildClass childClass) 
       cc = childClass; // set to the reference of the passed in childClass

当然,这些都使用 .NET 的auto-properties。对于简单的实现,它们可以正常工作。但是,如果您需要(或只是想)拆分成员,这里有一个使用完整属性语法的示例。

public MainClass()
    // private backing field is only accessible within this class
    private ChildClass _cc = new ChildClass();

    // public property is accessible from other classes
    public ChildClass cc 
            return _cc;
            _cc = value;

如果您注意到,这会_cc在成员声明的开头初始化私有。这确保了该cc属性在使用前不需要显式初始化。同样,这更像是一个例子,而不是一个严格的标准。了解 .NET 使用属性和私有成员的所有方式非常重要,因此您可以选择并使用适合您特定情况的最佳方式。


对于未来,我还建议查看一组 .NET 命名约定,例如属性名称、支持字段、方法名称等:


于 2013-10-20T18:31:20.037 回答

为 OtherChild 创建一个构造函数,该构造函数采用 ChildClass 的实例,或者只需要 name 属性(如果您需要的话)。

public class OtherChild
    ChildClass _cc;

    public OtherChild(ChildClass cc)
        this._cc = cc;
于 2013-10-20T17:53:32.023 回答


于 2013-10-20T18:02:04.987 回答

如果我正确理解你的问题,这可以工作。请注意,我的语法可能是错误的,因为我对 c# 不是很流利,但我希望你能明白基本的想法

     ChildClass _cc = new ChildClass();
     OtherChild _oc = new OtherChild();
     ChildClass cc = get {return _cc;} set{_cc = value;}
     OtherChild oc = get {return _oc;} set{_oc = value;}
     oc.Parent = this;
     //Set the name property of childclass
     string childName = "some name";

    public string name {get; set;}

     //Here i want to get the name property from ChildClass()
     //Doing this will make a new instance of ChildClass,  which will not have the name property set.
     Public MainClass parent {get; set;}
     ChildClass cc = parent.cc; 

于 2013-10-20T17:53:15.547 回答


A)..ALL.. ChildClass 的实例共享完全相同的名称,您可以使用“静态”您可以使用属性访问器隐藏成员是静态的事实

B)不同类型的类的不同实例需要共享信息。然后在实例化类时进行交叉引用(在此示例中,ChildClass 和 OtherChild 是不同的类类型)在此示例中,您实际上希望能够随时更改一个实例中的信息,并且仍然与其他实例...

C)此代码的“更好/更清洁”版本(更复杂但更标准): ....如果必须始终作为引用(对共享值),请考虑将成员变量更改为属性...考虑制作部分'构造函数'与其他示例一样,如果信息共享必须双向..如果有很多共享信息在两个方向上,请考虑必须指向另一个..考虑将单独的 SharedInfoClass 传递给两者构造函数,如果不同类的所有实例共享完全相同的信息,则引用静态类可以避免将 SharedInfoClass 传递给构造函数的需要被认为比“静态类”更干净(但更复杂)是单例设计模式

********** 解决方案 A ******************

// ... information shared across all instances of a class
// Class A  a1,a2;    a1,a2  share exact same values for certain members
class MainClass
     void Method()
         ChildClass cc = new ChildClass();
         OtherChild oc = new OtherChild();

         //Set the name property of childclass
         ChildClass.s_name = "some name"; // obviously a shared static because using ChildClass.members not cc.member
         cc.Name = "some name";  // now all instances of ChildClass will have this name


class ChildClass
    // *** NOTE  'static' keyword ***
    public static string s_name;   // externally refered to by ChildClass.s_name

    // this property hides that s_name is a static which is good or bad depending on your feelings about hiding the nature of data
    public string Name           
            return s_name;
        set // singleton so never set only created first use of get
            s_name = value;

class OtherChild
    public OtherChild()

    void Method()
        ChildClass cc = new ChildClass();
        string str = cc.Name;
        // cc will have the same name as the cc in MainClass

********* 解决方案 B ***************

class BMainClass
    void Method()
        BChildClass cc = new BChildClass();
        BOtherChild oc = new BOtherChild( );
        oc.m_SharedChildClassInfo = cc;

        //Set the name property of childclass
        cc.name = "some name";  // only this instance of BChildClass will have this name, but it visible in BOtherChild

class BChildClass
    public string name {get; set;}

class BOtherChild
    public BChildClass m_SharedChildClassInfo;

    void Method()
        BChildClass cc = m_SharedChildClassInfo; 
        // cc will have the same name as the cc in MainClass
        // in fact it is the exact same instance as declared in MainClass so evetythng is the same

********** 解决方案 C ******************

// this one example shows both 
//  a set of data shared across all instances of two class
//  and a set of data sharted between 2 specific classes
class CMainClass
    void Method()
        CSharedBetweenSome sharedSomeInstances = new CSharedBetweenSome();
        CChildClass cc = new CChildClass(sharedSomeInstances);
        COtherChild oc = new COtherChild(sharedSomeInstances);

        //Set the name property of childclass
        cc.sharedAllValue = "same name for everyone";  // ALL  instance of ChildClass will have this name, ALL instances BOtherChild will be able to acess it
        sharedSomeInstances.name = "sane name for cc and oc instances";


// Interface - sometimes to make things clean / standard between different classes defining an interface is useful
interface ICShareInfoAll
    string sharedAllValue { get; set; }

class CSharedInto : ICShareInfoAll
    // Singletone pattern - still an instance, rather than a static, but only ever one of them, only created first time needed
    private static CSharedInto s_instance;
    public static CSharedInto Instance
            if( s_instance == null )
                s_instance = new CSharedInto();
            return s_instance;
        private set // singleton  never set only created first use of get
            //s_instance = value;
    // variables shared with every instance of every type of child class
    public string sharedAllValue { get; set; }

// One child class using  jointly shared and shared with all
class CChildClass :  ICShareInfoAll
    private CSharedBetweenSome sharedSomeInstance;

    public CChildClass(CSharedBetweenSome sharedSomeInstance)
        this.sharedSomeInstance = sharedSomeInstance;

    // Shared with all 
    public string sharedAllValue {
        get { return CSharedInto.Instance.sharedAllValue;  }           
        set { CSharedInto.Instance.sharedAllValue = value; }

    // Shared with one other
    public string sharedAnotherInstanceValue {
        get { return sharedSomeInstance.name;  }           
        set { sharedSomeInstance.name = value; }


class COtherChild :  ICShareInfoAll
    private CSharedBetweenSome sharedSomeInstance;

    public COtherChild(CSharedBetweenSome sharedSomeInstance)
        this.sharedSomeInstance = sharedSomeInstance;

    public string sharedAllValue {
        get { return CSharedInto.Instance.sharedAllValue;  }           
        set { CSharedInto.Instance.sharedAllValue = value; }

    void Method()
        string val = sharedAllValue;  // shared across instances of 2 different types of class
        string val2 = sharedSomeInstance.name;  // currenlty shared across spefic instances 
于 2018-09-05T17:38:13.303 回答