实例并在其上运行 JavaScript(如果它支持的话)。然后有很多验证,因为我们需要确保我们只返回我们承诺的内容。
public class ByJavaScript extends By implements Serializable {
private final String script;
public ByJavaScript(String script) {
checkNotNull(script, "Cannot find elements with a null JavaScript expression.");
this.script = script;
public List<WebElement> findElements(SearchContext context) {
JavascriptExecutor js = getJavascriptExecutorFromSearchContext(context);
// call the JS, inspect and validate response
Object response = js.executeScript(script);
List<WebElement> elements = getElementListFromJsResponse(response);
// filter out the elements that aren't descendants of the context node
if (context instanceof WebElement) {
filterOutElementsWithoutCommonAncestor(elements, (WebElement)context);
return elements;
private static JavascriptExecutor getJavascriptExecutorFromSearchContext(SearchContext context) {
if (context instanceof JavascriptExecutor) {
// context is most likely the whole WebDriver
return (JavascriptExecutor)context;
if (context instanceof WrapsDriver) {
// context is most likely some WebElement
WebDriver driver = ((WrapsDriver)context).getWrappedDriver();
checkState(driver instanceof JavascriptExecutor, "This WebDriver doesn't support JavaScript.");
return (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
throw new IllegalStateException("We can't invoke JavaScript from this context.");
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // cast thoroughly checked
private static List<WebElement> getElementListFromJsResponse(Object response) {
if (response == null) {
// no element found
return Lists.newArrayList();
if (response instanceof WebElement) {
// a single element found
return Lists.newArrayList((WebElement)response);
if (response instanceof List) {
// found multiple things, check whether every one of them is a WebElement
Iterables.all((List<?>)response, Predicates.instanceOf(WebElement.class)),
"The JavaScript query returned something that isn't a WebElement.");
return (List<WebElement>)response; // cast is checked as far as we can tell
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The JavaScript query returned something that isn't a WebElement.");
private static void filterOutElementsWithoutCommonAncestor(List<WebElement> elements, WebElement ancestor) {
for (Iterator<WebElement> iter = elements.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
WebElement elem = iter.next();
// iterate over ancestors
while (!elem.equals(ancestor) && !elem.getTagName().equals("html")) {
elem = elem.findElement(By.xpath("./.."));
if (!elem.equals(ancestor)) {
public String toString() {
return "By.javaScript: \"" + script + "\"";
此代码使用Google Guava 库。它是 Selenium 的依赖项,因此您应该将它放在类路径中。但是如果有什么你不明白的,看看 Guava。
- 记录整个事情。
- 使用更好、更有帮助的例外。考虑一些自定义子类
. 还添加更多有用的消息和信息。
- 限制类对包的可见性。或者将其嵌入到静态工厂中(如在原始
- 编写测试。我尝试了最明显的用法(找不到元素,从驱动程序搜索,从某些上下文搜索),一切似乎都很好,但我没有进行广泛的测试。
WebElement elem = driver.findElement(new ByJavaScript("return document.querySelector('.haha');"));
类是一个静态工厂,它给出了自己的各种实现。不幸的是,我们不能给它添加一个新的静态方法(不改变它的源),所以我们不能输入By.javascript("return something;")
. 我们必须创建自己的静态工厂来获得类似的东西:
public class MyBy {
* Returns a {@code By} which locates elements by the JavaScript expression passed to it.
* @param script The JavaScript expression to run and whose result to return
public static By javascript(String script) {
return new ByJavaScript(script);
WebElement elem = driver.findElement(MyBy.javascript("return document.querySelector('.haha');"));