i am unfamiliar with JavaScript, and wanted to add an mp3 file to play when the wikitude world starts, however it is not playing. there is no audio,

i used the tutorials on the wikitude website to add wikitude as part of an Android app.

documentation for class sound of wikitude sdk


here is the code selection for the audio

  streamingSound = new AR.Sound("assets/soundtest.mp3", {
                            onError : errorLoadingSound,
                            onFinishedPlaying : readyToPlay,
                            onLoaded : readyToPlay,


here is the full code for the file multiplepois.js

 var World = {

  markerDrawable_idle: new AR.ImageResource("assets/lion.png"),

  // New: a second image resource which represents a selected marker
  markerDrawable_selected: new AR.ImageResource("assets/marker_selected.png"),

  // New: a array holding a reference to all marker objects
  markerList: [],

  init: function initFn() {

    AR.context.onLocationChanged = World.onLocationChanged;

    // New: a custom callback which will be invoked when the user taps on an empty  screen space
    AR.context.onScreenClick = World.onScreenClick;

  onLocationChanged: function onLocationChangedFn(latitude, longitude, altitude, accuracy) { 

    AR.context.onLocationChanged = null;

    streamingSound = new AR.Sound("assets/soundtest.mp3", {
                            onError : errorLoadingSound,
                            onFinishedPlaying : readyToPlay,
                            onLoaded : readyToPlay,



    // New: Markers are now created using the new operator.
    //      The marker definition is in `marker.js`.
    //      Title, description and location are supplied in the json compatible format
    var poiData = {
        "latitude": 31.580,
        "longitude": 130.545,
        "altitude": altitude,
        "title": "Marker 1",
        "description": "forever office"
    World.markerList.push(new Marker(poiData));

     poiData = {
        "latitude": latitude,
        "longitude": longitude - 0.5,
        "altitude": altitude,
        "title": "Marker 4",
       "description": "West"
   World.markerList.push(new Marker(poiData));

    onScreenClick: function onScreenClickFn() {

    for (var i = World.markerList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (World.markerList[i].isSelected) {


1 回答 1


您可以使用 SDK 中包含的 ADE (ade.js) 通过桌面浏览器检查任何 js 错误。JS 错误也会在 Android 上的 logcat 中报告。但是,根据手机的不同,这可能很难发现。

在桌面浏览器中使用 ADE 检查您的代码会发现:

Uncaught ReferenceError: errorLoadingSound is not defined


streamingSound = new AR.Sound("assets/soundtest.mp3");

免责声明:我为 Wikitude 工作

于 2013-10-22T07:47:45.183 回答