我在 Unity 中有一个播放器类,除了我的 ClosestTarget 函数外,它都可以正常工作。该函数按我想要的方式工作,但现在它只选择 Cube 2(列表中的最后一个元素),即使我更靠近另一个立方体。
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Player : MonoBehaviour
public int health; //Current health
public int stamina; //Current stamina
public int maxHealth = 100; //Constant for max health
public int maxStamina = 500; //Constant for max stamina
protected CharacterController chCtrl; //Reference to the character controller
protected CharacterMotor chMotor; //Reference to the character motor
public float walkSpeed = 3; //Speed at which the player walks
public float runSpeed = 20; //Speed at which the player runs
public bool isWalking = false; //Check for whether the player is walking
public bool isRunning = false; //Check for whether the player is running
public bool isFatigued = false; //Check for whether the player is fatigued
public List<Transform> targets; //Create a list of transforms
public Transform currentTarget;
float distance = Mathf.Infinity;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
//Get the character controller assigned to the current game object
chCtrl = GetComponent<CharacterController> ();
//Get the character motor assigned to the current game object
chMotor = GetComponent<CharacterMotor> ();
//Set the stamina to the max stamina
stamina = maxStamina;
//Set the health to the max health
health = maxHealth;
//Initialise the targets list
targets = new List<Transform>();
//Call the function to retrieve all buttons in the scene
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
//Call the function to set the speed of the player
SetSpeed ();
public void SetSpeed ()
//Set the player to walking speed by default
float speed = walkSpeed;
//If the stamina is less than or equal to 0
if (stamina <= 0)
//Set the player as fatigued
isFatigued = true;
//Set the player to walking
speed = walkSpeed;
//Set stamina to 0
stamina = 0;
//If the stamina is greater than or equal to max stamina
if(stamina >= maxStamina)
//Set the stamina to the max stamina
stamina = maxStamina;
//Set the player as not fatigued
isFatigued = false;
//If the player is moving along either the x or y axis
if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") !=0 || Input.GetAxis("Vertical") !=0)
//If the player is fatigued
if(isFatigued == true)
//Set the player to walking speed
speed = walkSpeed;
//Player is not running
isRunning = false;
//Player is walking
isWalking = true;
//Start increasing stamina
//If the player is touching the ground and the user is either pressing left shift or right shift
else if (chCtrl.isGrounded && Input.GetKey ("left shift") || Input.GetKey ("right shift") && isFatigued == false )
//Set the player to running speed
speed = runSpeed;
//Player is running
isRunning = true;
//Player is not walking
isWalking = false;
//Start reducting stamina
//Set the player to walking speed
speed = walkSpeed;
//Player is not running
isRunning = false;
//Player is walking
isWalking = true;
//Start increasing stamina
//Player is not running
isRunning = false;
//Player is not walking
isWalking = false;
//Start increasing stamina
//Set the players speed to either walkSpeed or runSpeed
chMotor.movement.maxForwardSpeed = speed;
void AddAllButtons()
//Create an array that contains all game objects tagged with 'button'
GameObject[] buttons = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Button");
//For each of the game objects in the array
foreach(GameObject button in buttons)
//Add the transform of the button
void AddButton(Transform button)
//Add the transform of the button into the targets list
void ButtonCheck(Transform button)
Vector3 dir = (button.position - transform.position).normalized;
float direction = Vector3.Dot(dir, transform.forward);
if(direction > 0.7F && Vector3.Distance(currentTarget.position, transform.position) < 2.0F)
print("Button has been clicked");
void ClosestTarget()
foreach (Transform button in targets)
Vector3 diff = (button.position - transform.position);
float curDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, button.position );
if (curDistance < distance )
currentTarget = button;
distance = curDistance;
如前所述,问题出在 ClosestTargets 函数上。它正在查找每个立方体的距离,但它只选择目标列表中的最后一个元素。