简单来说,我只是上传这张图片(来自http://www.regexper.com/#%2F%5E%5C(%3F(%5B1-9%5D%7B1%2C3%7D)%5C)% 3F%3F(%5B0-9%5D%7B9%7D)%24%2F )
^ <-- beginning of line
\(? <-- optional "("
([1-9]{1,3}) <-- 1, 2, or 3 digits (each between 1 and 9)
\)?? <-- optional ")" (matches the first close parenthesis if multiple are present in the string)
([0-9]{9}) <-- 9 digits (each between 0 and 9)
$ <-- end of line
请参阅此自由间距模式。我假设你正在使用 PCRE
/^ #match the beginning of the string
\(? #match literal (, if exists
( #group 1
[1-9]{1,3} #match one, two, or three digit(s). The digit must be between 1-9
) #end of group1
\)?? #match literal ), if exists
( #group 2
[0-9]{9} #match 9 digits, 0-9
) #end of group2
$/ #match the end of the string