典型的基于 LOG() 宏的日志记录解决方案可能如下所示:
#define LOG(msg) \
std::cout << __FILE__ << "(" << __LINE__ << "): " << msg << std::endl
string file = "blah.txt";
int error = 123;
LOG("Read failed: " << file << " (" << error << ")");
// Outputs:
// test.cpp(5): Read failed: blah.txt (123)
问题是这会导致编译器内联多个 ostream::operator<< 调用。这会增加生成的代码并因此增加函数大小,我怀疑这可能会损害指令缓存性能并阻碍编译器优化代码的能力。
解决方案#2:可变模板函数 *********
#define LOG(...) LogWrapper(__FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
// Log_Recursive wrapper that creates the ostringstream
template<typename... Args>
void LogWrapper(const char* file, int line, const Args&... args)
std::ostringstream msg;
Log_Recursive(file, line, msg, args...);
// "Recursive" variadic function
template<typename T, typename... Args>
void Log_Recursive(const char* file, int line, std::ostringstream& msg,
T value, const Args&... args)
msg << value;
Log_Recursive(file, line, msg, args...);
// Terminator
void Log_Recursive(const char* file, int line, std::ostringstream& msg)
std::cout << file << "(" << line << "): " << msg.str() << std::endl;
LOG("Read failed: ", file, " (", error, ")");
解决方案#3:表达式模板 *********
在@DyP 的建议下,我创建了一个使用表达式模板的替代解决方案:
#define LOG(msg) Log(__FILE__, __LINE__, Part<bool, bool>() << msg)
template<typename T> struct PartTrait { typedef T Type; };
// Workaround GCC 4.7.2 not recognizing noinline attribute
#ifdef __ICC
#define NOINLINE_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__(( noinline ))
#endif // __ICC
// Mark as noinline since we want to minimize the log-related instructions
// at the call sites
template<typename T>
void Log(const char* file, int line, const T& msg) NOINLINE_ATTRIBUTE
std::cout << file << ":" << line << ": " << msg << std::endl;
template<typename TValue, typename TPreviousPart>
struct Part : public PartTrait<Part<TValue, TPreviousPart>>
: value(nullptr), prev(nullptr)
{ }
Part(const Part<TValue, TPreviousPart>&) = default;
Part<TValue, TPreviousPart> operator=(
const Part<TValue, TPreviousPart>&) = delete;
Part(const TValue& v, const TPreviousPart& p)
: value(&v), prev(&p)
{ }
std::ostream& output(std::ostream& os) const
if (prev)
os << *prev;
if (value)
os << *value;
return os;
const TValue* value;
const TPreviousPart* prev;
// Specialization for stream manipulators (eg endl)
typedef std::ostream& (*PfnManipulator)(std::ostream&);
template<typename TPreviousPart>
struct Part<PfnManipulator, TPreviousPart>
: public PartTrait<Part<PfnManipulator, TPreviousPart>>
: pfn(nullptr), prev(nullptr)
{ }
Part(const Part<PfnManipulator, TPreviousPart>& that) = default;
Part<PfnManipulator, TPreviousPart> operator=(const Part<PfnManipulator,
TPreviousPart>&) = delete;
Part(PfnManipulator pfn_, const TPreviousPart& p)
: pfn(pfn_), prev(&p)
{ }
std::ostream& output(std::ostream& os) const
if (prev)
os << *prev;
if (pfn)
return os;
PfnManipulator pfn;
const TPreviousPart* prev;
template<typename TPreviousPart, typename T>
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_base_of<PartTrait<TPreviousPart>, TPreviousPart>::value,
Part<T, TPreviousPart> >::type
operator<<(const TPreviousPart& prev, const T& value)
return Part<T, TPreviousPart>(value, prev);
template<typename TPreviousPart>
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_base_of<PartTrait<TPreviousPart>, TPreviousPart>::value,
Part<PfnManipulator, TPreviousPart> >::type
operator<<(const TPreviousPart& prev, PfnManipulator value)
return Part<PfnManipulator, TPreviousPart>(value, prev);
template<typename TPart>
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_base_of<PartTrait<TPart>, TPart>::value,
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TPart& part)
return part.output(os);
LOG("Read failed: " << file << " " << error);
但是,当Part<A, B>
内联创建时,不会进行 operator<< 调用,这给我们带来了两全其美的好处:方便且类型安全的流式操作符 + 更少的指令。带有 -O3 的 ICC13 生成以下汇编代码:
movl $.L_2__STRING.3, %edi
movl $13, %esi
xorl %eax, %eax
lea 72(%rsp), %rdx
lea 8(%rsp), %rcx
movq %rax, 16(%rsp)
lea 88(%rsp), %r8
movq $.L_2__STRING.4, 24(%rsp)
lea 24(%rsp), %r9
movq %rcx, 32(%rsp)
lea 40(%rsp), %r10
movq %r8, 40(%rsp)
lea 56(%rsp), %r11
movq %r9, 48(%rsp)
movq $.L_2__STRING.5, 56(%rsp)
movq %r10, 64(%rsp)
movq $nErrorCode.9291.0.16, 72(%rsp)
movq %r11, 80(%rsp)
call _Z3LogI4PartIiS0_IA2_cS0_ISsS0_IA14_cS0_IbbEEEEEENSt9enable_ifIXsr3std10is_base_ofI9PartTraitIT_ESA_EE5valueEvE4typeEPKciRKSA_
总共有 19 条指令,包括一个函数调用。流式传输的每个附加参数似乎都增加了 3 条指令。编译器根据消息部分的数量、种类和顺序创建不同的 Log() 函数实例化,这解释了奇怪的函数名称。
解决方案 #4:CATO 的表达式模板 *********
这是 Cato 的出色解决方案,通过调整来支持流操纵器(例如 endl):
#define LOG(msg) (Log(__FILE__, __LINE__, LogData<None>() << msg))
// Workaround GCC 4.7.2 not recognizing noinline attribute
#ifdef __ICC
#define NOINLINE_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__(( noinline ))
#endif // __ICC
template<typename List>
void Log(const char* file, int line,
LogData<List>&& data) NOINLINE_ATTRIBUTE
std::cout << file << ":" << line << ": ";
output(std::cout, std::move(data.list));
std::cout << std::endl;
struct None { };
template<typename List>
struct LogData {
List list;
template<typename Begin, typename Value>
constexpr LogData<std::pair<Begin&&, Value&&>> operator<<(LogData<Begin>&& begin,
Value&& value) noexcept
return {{ std::forward<Begin>(begin.list), std::forward<Value>(value) }};
template<typename Begin, size_t n>
constexpr LogData<std::pair<Begin&&, const char*>> operator<<(LogData<Begin>&& begin,
const char (&value)[n]) noexcept
return {{ std::forward<Begin>(begin.list), value }};
typedef std::ostream& (*PfnManipulator)(std::ostream&);
template<typename Begin>
constexpr LogData<std::pair<Begin&&, PfnManipulator>> operator<<(LogData<Begin>&& begin,
PfnManipulator value) noexcept
return {{ std::forward<Begin>(begin.list), value }};
template <typename Begin, typename Last>
void output(std::ostream& os, std::pair<Begin, Last>&& data)
output(os, std::move(data.first));
os << data.second;
inline void output(std::ostream& os, None)
{ }
正如 Cato 所指出的,与上一个解决方案相比,它的好处是它可以减少函数实例化,因为 const char* 专门化处理所有字符串文字。它还导致在调用站点生成的指令更少:
movb $0, (%rsp)
movl $.L_2__STRING.4, %ecx
movl $.L_2__STRING.3, %edi
movl $20, %esi
lea 212(%rsp), %r9
call void Log<pair<pair<pair<pair<None, char const*>, string const&>, char const*>, int const&> >(char const*, int, LogData<pair<pair<pair<pair<None, char const*>, string const&>, char const*>, int const&> > const&)