所以我试图在我的本地主机上使用 mysql 和 php 以及 html 和 css 建立一个简单的会员站点。我正在使用一个类来尝试保持我的名为 DbConnection 的 php OOP,它具有选择、插入、更新和删除以及连接和断开数据库的方法。我可以毫无问题地建立连接并将用户插入到我的特定表中。我的问题在于授予新创建的用户创建、删除、插入或更新任何数据的权限。我的 grantUserStandardPermissions() 函数中是否存在错误?还是我不允许运行多个查询?
我的数据库:db_test 表:用户、产品、订单、愿望清单
我想将这些用户存储在我的 db_test 中的用户表中。不在我的 mysql.user 表上!
// Function creates the connecton to the database
public function connect(){
// If there is no connection already in existence
// Create the Connection to the database, the object oriented way
$this->connection = @mysql_connect($this->IP_ADDRESS, $this->DB_USER, $this->DB_PASSWORD, $this->DB_NAME) or die(@mysqli_err());
// If the connection was successful
// Connect to the Body Block Database
$select_database = @mysql_select_db($this->DB_NAME, $this->connection);
// If the Body Block database was selected
// Connection was successful alert the user
echo 'Connected to the Database<br/>';
// Set the Connection to true
$this->con = true;
// Return tre
return true;
// Else the database was not selected
// Could not find the database
echo 'The Database does not Exist<br/>';
// Return false
return false;
// Else, the connection was unsuccessful
// Unable to connect, server problem
echo 'Unable to make a connection.<br/>';
// Return false
return false;
// There is a connection already
// Already connected
echo 'A connection to the database already exists.<br/>';
// Return true
return true;
} // End connect()
// Function creates a new row with the passed in data
public function insert($table_name, $values, $rows = null){
// If the table exists
// The query statement to run is created
$this->query = 'INSERT INTO ' .$table_name;
// If rows where passed in
if($rows != null){
// implode the rows array at a comma
$rows = implode(',', $rows);
// Append the rows to the query
$this->query .= ' ('.$rows.')';
// Loop throught the values we want to insert
for($i = 0; $i < count($values); $i++){
// If the values are strings
// Set the values as strings to insert
$values[$i] = '\''.$values[$i].'\'';
// Implode the values where there is a ,
$values = implode(',',$values);
// Create the insert query to run on the database
$this->query .= 'VALUES ('. $values.')';
echo "$this->query"."<br/>";
// Run the query against the database
$result = mysql_query($this->query);
// If there is a result
// Echo the Success
echo 'Success';
// Return true
return true;
// Else there is no result
// Return false
return false;
// Else the table does not exist
echo 'Failed to find table!';
// Return false
return false;
}// End insert()
更新- 我删除了这个功能,并使用我的所有访问管理员创建了用户,然后创建了第二个管理员来处理 CRUD,从而为用户查询我的用户表,尝试执行操作。
// Grant the permissions for the new User
public function grantUserStandardPermissions($username, $password){
$grantPermission = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON db_test.* TO ";
$grantPermission .= $username;
$grantPermission .= " @'%' IDENTIFIED BY '". $password. "'";
echo "$grantPermission";
$result = mysql_query($grantPermission);
mysql_query("FLUSH PRIVELAGES");
echo 'ran command';
return true;
return false;