我正在分析图形基元(矩形、直线、圆形等)的交互,并计算重叠、相对方向、合并等。这被引用为 Double Dispatch 的主要示例(例如Wikipedia


但我还没有理解主要的解释,我也一般不理解关于 SO 的答案。

我当前的代码(Java)使用超类 Shape 并且类似于:

for (int i = 0; i < shapes.size() - 1; i++) {
    for (int j = i + 1; j < shapes.size(); j++) {
        Shape shape = shapes.get(i).intersectionWith(shapes.get(j));

在子类(此处为 Rect)中具有特定实现,例如

public class Rect extends Shape {

    public Shape intersectionWith(Shape shape) {
        if (shape instanceof Rect) {
            return this.getCommonBoundingBox((Rect)shape);
        } else if (shape instanceof Line) {
            return this.intersection((Line)shape);
        } else if (shape instanceof Text) {
            return this.intersection((Text) shape);


        } else if (shape instanceof Circle) {
            return this.intersection((Circle)shape);

我不知道如何使用双重分派模式或双重分派模式的价值,我希望有一个使用 Java 图形原语或类似伪代码的具体示例。


“A 与 B 相交”通常与“B 与 A 相交”相同,但“A 与 B 碰撞”并不总是与“B 与 A 碰撞”相同。(A == 汽车,B == 骑自行车的人)。可以想象,我的交叉点在未来可能不是对称的(例如“矩形部分遮住圆”不是对称的并且可能具有不同的语义。

@Flavio 很好地解决了维护问题,并指出编译器可以检查问题。@Slanec 通过反射来做到这一点,这看起来像是一种有用的维护辅助工具——我不知道性能损失是什么。


3 回答 3


You can implement double dispatch in Java through the Visitor pattern.

public interface ShapeVisitor<P, R> { 
    R visitRect(Rect rect, P param);
    R visitLine(Line line, P param);
    R visitText(Text text, P param);

public interface Shape {
    <P, R> R accept(P param, ShapeVisitor<? super P, ? extends R> visitor);
    Shape intersectionWith(Shape shape);

public class Rect implements Shape {

    public <P, R> R accept(P param, ShapeVisitor<? super P, ? extends R> visitor) {
        return visitor.visitRect(this, param);

    public Shape intersectionWith(Shape shape) {
        return shape.accept(this, RectIntersection);

    public static ShapeVisitor<Rect, Shape> RectIntersection = new ShapeVisitor<Rect, Shape>() {
        public Shape visitRect(Rect otherShape, Rect thisShape) {
            // TODO...
        public Shape visitLine(Line otherShape, Rect thisShape) {
            // TODO...
        public Shape visitText(Text otherShape, Rect thisShape) {
            // TODO...

When you add a new Shape subclass, you must add a new method to the ShapeVisitor interface, and you get compile errors for all the methods you are missing. This is useful, but can become a big problem if you are writing a library and your users are allowed to add Shape subclasses (but clearly can not extend the ShapeVisitor interface).

于 2013-10-16T12:17:44.393 回答


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class DoubleDispatchTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Shape> shapes = new ArrayList<Shape>();
        shapes.add(new Line());
        shapes.add(new Circle());
        shapes.add(new Rect());

        for (int i = 0; i < shapes.size() - 1; i++) {
            for (int j = i + 1; j < shapes.size(); j++) {
                Shape shape = shapes.get(i).intersection(shapes.get(j));


    abstract static class Shape {
        abstract Shape intersection(Shape shape);
        abstract Shape intersection(Line line);
        abstract Shape intersection(Circle line);
        abstract Shape intersection(Rect line);

    static class Line extends Shape {
        Shape intersection(Shape shape) {
            return shape.intersection(this);

        Shape intersection(Line line) {
            System.out.println("line + line");
            return null;

        Shape intersection(Circle circle) {
            System.out.println("line + circle");
            return null;

        Shape intersection(Rect rect) {
            System.out.println("line + rect");
            return null;

    static class Circle extends Shape {
        Shape intersection(Shape shape) {
            return shape.intersection(this);

        Shape intersection(Line line) {
            System.out.println("circle + line");
            return null;

        Shape intersection(Circle circle) {
            System.out.println("circle + circle");
            return null;

        Shape intersection(Rect rect) {
            System.out.println("circle + rect");
            return null;

    static class Rect extends Shape {
        Shape intersection(Shape shape) {
            return shape.intersection(this);

        Shape intersection(Line line) {
            System.out.println("rect + line");
            return null;

        Shape intersection(Circle circle) {
            System.out.println("rect + circle");
            return null;

        Shape intersection(Rect rect) {
            System.out.println("rect + rect");
            return null;


circle + line
rect + line
rect + circle
于 2013-10-16T12:13:45.777 回答

免责声明:我对双重调度不是很熟悉。我已经看过了,我已经阅读了 wiki 文章,但仅此而已。我只是想尽我所能解决这个问题。


我们可以利用关于两个相交Shape对象的类信息在运行时是已知的。运行您的Rect代码知道它是 aRect并且shape参数是 type Shape,但是当在其上运行方法时,它将调用具体Shape类型的正确覆盖版本。


public interface Shape {
    public Shape intersect(Shape shape);
    public Shape intersect(Line line);
    public Shape intersect(Rect rect);

public class Line implements Shape {
    public Shape intersect(Shape shape) {
        return shape.intersect(this);

    public Shape intersect(Line line) {
        System.out.println("Line - Line");
        return null;

    public Shape intersect(Rect rect) {
        System.out.println("Line - Rect");
        return null;

的通用实现public Shape intersect(Shape shape);必须复制粘贴到所有实现类中。如果您尝试将Shape接口更改为 anabstract class并在那里拥有该方法,它将无法正常工作,因为该方法将递归调用自身:

public abstract class Shape {
    public final Shape intersect(Shape shape) {
        return shape.intersect(this);
    public abstract Shape intersect(Line line);
    public abstract Shape intersect(Rect rect);


public abstract class Shape {
    public final Shape intersect(Shape shape) {
        try {
            Method intersect = this.getClass().getMethod("intersect", shape.getClass());
            return (Shape)intersect.invoke(this, shape);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
    public abstract Shape intersect(Line line);
    public abstract Shape intersect(Rect rect);
于 2013-10-16T12:15:00.853 回答