我在 vb 中编写的函数有问题。该工具会打开一个 Excel 工作表,并在该工作表中搜索两个值。
Excel 工作表的结构如下:
我编写的函数,查看同一行中“M”列和“N”列中的值是否与 Creterium 1 和 2 相同。如果是这样,它将返回“O”列中的值"
Function twoStrSearch(ByVal criteria1 As String, ByVal criteria2 As String, ByVal strPrimarySearchColumn As String, _
ByVal Offset_Krit2 As Integer, ByVal Offset_result As Integer, _
ByVal objWorksheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet) As VariantType
'Function for Searching an Excel Sheet.
'If the Sheet Contains the two Criterias in the same row it will return the search Value
'Parameter: Explanation:
'criteria1 The first comparison value
'criteria2 The second comparison value
'strPrimarySearchColumn The Name of the Row where the first comparsion value is
'Offset_Krit2 The Offset Value where the second comparison value is
'Offset_Ergebnis The Offset Value where the Search result is what will be returned
'objWorksheet The object of the Excel Sheet that should be searched in
Dim strAddress As String
Dim area As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range
Dim range As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range
'Get's the letter of the Column
strAddress = objWorksheet.Cells.Find(What:=strPrimarySearchColumn).Address
strAddress = Mid(strAddress, 2, 1)
area = objWorksheet.Columns(strAddress & ":" & strAddress) 'Range over the Column
For Each range In area
'If both criteria in the same Row are True then get the result
If range.Value2.ToString = criteria1 And range.Offset(0, Offset_Krit2).Value = criteria2 Then
twoStrSearch = range.Offset(0, Offset_result).Value
Exit Function
End If
twoStrSearch = "--" 'if nothing found result is "--"
End Function
如果他将单元格值与 Criteria1 和 2 进行比较,则 Eroor 发生在 For Each 循环中。