这是您使用 MySQLi 阅读的方式:
// Init the database connection
$db = new mysqli("example.com", "user", "password", "database");
// Look for errors or throw an exception
if ($db->connect_errno) {
throw new Exception($db->connect_error, $db->connect_errno);
// Init prepared statement
$prep = $db->stmt_init();
// Prepared statement
$prep = $db->prepare("SELECT username, points FROM account_information WHERE username = ? AND username IS NOT NULL AND username != ''");
// See if statement is ok
if (!$prep) {
throw new Exception($db->error);
// Put your variables into the query
$prep->bind_param('s', $_SESSION['username']);
// Fire the query!
// This is magic, it's awesome.. try it :-))
$prep->bind_result($username, $points);
// Get the results easily
while ($prep->fetch()) {
echo "{$username} has {$points}<br>", PHP_EOL;
// This is like in our house, when we leave it, we close the door