Using MDX to return for each client, their latest status within a defined date range.
Sample Dataset:
Client | Status | Date
A | Pending | 30-Jun-12
A | Pending | 01-Jul-12
A | Active | 02-Jul-12
A | Active | 03-Jul-12
B | Pending | 01-Jun-12
B | Active | 02-Jun-12
B | Active | 03-Jun-12
B | Active | 04-Jun-12
Additional Info: (No records for client A after 3-Jul-12 as they no longer receive a service) (No records for client B after 4-Jun-12 as they no longer receive a service)
REQUIRED OUTPUT: If Date dimension is filtered for all of June 2012 it should return
Client | Status | Date
A | Pending | 30-Jun-12
B | Active | 04-Jun-12
Environment: SSAS 2005 | SS 2008 R2 | VS 2008
Hoping to use calculated member or named set but any help/guidance greatly appreciated...