I have this HTML I am testing with:


    <div style="width: 940px; background-color: red;">

        <div style="width: 50%; background-color: green;">

            <div>Sick of spending endless time waiting on your computer?</div>




This works fine on a desktop or on an iPhone.

But when I simply add another div to it like this:


    <div style="width: 940px; background-color: red;">

        <div style="width: 50%; background-color: green;">

            <div>Sick of spending endless time waiting on your computer?</div>


        <div style="width: 50%; background-color: orange;">

            <div>Sick of spending endless time waiting on your computer?</div>




The text in the 50% div starts wrapping on an iPhone. I tested it in Safari and Chrome on an iPhone.

I am confused why adding another div would cause this when they are the same width.

Any help with this would be great.



1 回答 1


I figured this out myself. My page was loading a jQuery UI style sheet from the theme roller. Something in that style sheet was causing this issue. When I removed that style sheet everything worked fine.

于 2013-10-21T18:27:35.657 回答