@interface EnemiesEntities : CCSprite {
bool isFunctional;
CCSprite * laserBeam; // <----------- !!!!! That's where I want to check the collision.
CCSprite * leftRingEffect;
CCSprite * rightRingEffect;
@interface ShipEntity : CCSprite
我只是想验证 ShipEntity 和laserBeam sprite 之间的碰撞(laserBeam 是 EnemiesEntities 类的成员变量和子变量)。[laserBeam boundingBox] 方法不起作用,因为boundingBox 会转换相对于父节点的坐标。
我尝试向 CCNode 添加一种计算相对于世界的边界框的方法,但这个方法也不起作用:
- (CGRect) worldBoundingBox
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, contentSize_.width, contentSize_.height);
return CGRectApplyAffineTransform(rect, [self nodeToWorldTransform]);
然后我尝试了一种不同的方法,并尝试从 boudningBox 开始并更改相对于父位置获得的矩形的位置,如下所示:
-(BOOL) collidesWithLaser:(CCSprite*)laserBeam
CGPoint newPosition = [laserBeam convertToWorldSpace:laserBeam.position];
[laserBeam worldBoundingBox];
CGRect laserBoundingBox = [laserBeam boundingBox];
CGRect laserBox = CGRectMake(laserBeam.parent.position.x, laserBeam.parent.position.y, laserBoundingBox.size.width, laserBoundingBox.size.height);
CGRect hitBox = [self hitBox];
if(CGRectIntersectsRect([self boundingBox], laserBox))
return TRUE;
else {
return FALSE;
不幸的是,这仅在父精灵的旋转设置为 0.0 时才有效,但当它实际改变时它不起作用(可能是因为 boundingBox 是相对于父节点而不是世界)。
编辑以回应@LearnCocos2D 的回答:
我按照建议添加了以下无法正常工作的代码(例如,尝试将 EnemiesEntities 对象旋转到 -130.0f)。
-(BOOL) collidesWithLaser:(CCSprite*)laserBeam
CCLOG(@"rotation %f", laserBeam.rotation);
CGRect laserBoundingBox = [laserBeam boundingBox];
laserBoundingBox.origin = [self convertToWorldSpace:laserBeam.position];
CGRect shipBoundingBox = [self boundingBox]; //As we are in ShipEntity class
shipBoundingBox.origin = [self convertToWorldSpace:shipBoundingBox.origin];
//As this method is in the ShipEntity class there is no need to convert the origin to the world space. I added a breakpoint here and doing in this way the CGRect of both ShipEntity and gets misplaced.
if(CGRectIntersectsRect(shipBoundingBox, laserBoundingBox))
return TRUE;
else {
return FALSE;