我正在尝试在应用程序保存到数据库时显示进度对话框。我想使用 async await 关键字来执行此操作,但我无法显示进度对话框。我是否必须为此添加一些在 ui 线程上运行的语法?在我的按钮 onclick 事件上将进度对话框添加到异步方法的最简单最简洁的方法是什么?
protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle)
base.OnCreate (bundle);
SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);
Button button_submit = FindViewById<Button> (Resource.Id.button_submit);
button_submit.Click += async (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
using (ProgressDialog progressDialog = ProgressDialog.Show (this, "Please wait...", "Saving Data", true))
await this.SaveData();
这是 SaveData 方法
private async Task<bool> SaveData(){
//Validate ();
string connectionString = "Foo"
SqlConnection dbcon;
using (dbcon = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
await dbcon.OpenAsync();
using (SqlCommand dbcmd = dbcon.CreateCommand()) {
string sql = "bar"
dbcmd.CommandText = sql;
dbcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", this.scanId);
dbcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@lat", this.geo[0]);
dbcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@lng", this.geo[1]);
dbcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@timestamp", this.timestamp);
//commented out to test to make sure slow file io isn't the issue
//byte[] imageBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes (photoUri.Path);
//dbcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@photo", imageBytes);
var result = await dbcmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
if (result != 1)
throw new Exception("Save encountered an error " + result);
//ResetData ();
RunOnUiThread(() => Toast.MakeText (this, "Data Saved", ToastLength.Long).Show ());
return true;
catch (Exception ex) {
RunOnUiThread(() => Toast.MakeText (this, ex.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show ());
return false;